??? Hey. Im so freakin excited about this game! I could play kh all day every day. but anyway....... Does anybody know when its estimated to come out, and if its just for psp or just for ds or for ps2 or ps3?
dude awesome idea!!! it would be awesome if we got everone on kh-vids.net and other kh fans to sign a petition and then send it to disney land! It might not work but its worth a try! omg that is awesome!! i think im going to travel to japan just to go to that!!! lol
thanksss Kay thanks guys! I did the slash and hit thing and it worked. I just got relly mad at the game and started like kicking his butt! lol. But i beat the game! lol.
Ok so i think im near to the end on the game and im at the part were sora goes bac to destiny island and he fights the guy who overtook riku, and i defeated him, then he moves to the center of the island and he becomes a huge heartless, then he comes bac into human form with his body gard heartless thin and thats were im stuck! Any pointers on defeating him???
Hey. Kay! lol.
Hery everyone! :p Lets talk and be frineds. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah!!!!!!!! haha idk. I freak myself out! lol
I was Riku! Although that is kinda weird since im a girl! lol.
oooo ok .sry. I kinda didnt dee that! lol. Thanks! I really hopes it comes out in America!
Oh my goodness! Major Jelousy going on .... lol.
Ya so i was wondering if the kh chain of memories is coming out in englishandin America. Does anyone know if they are and if so, when?
Wahoooo!!! Summoning is fun! lol. I think im gonna summon...... Tinker Bell! Shes my fav person to summon!:)
Dude hes still alive! lol He came bac as a heartless for a little bit!
Kay Ok so in the dragon form make sure you have aero form on whenever you can and summon Tinker Bell if u can. She keeps o giving you small amounts of health but they really help.