Lol what's messed I leveled both my ven and terra to level 99 using that same strategy, and I am still loosing to the mysterious figure.
its because supposedly we american people are not good enough game players. And all we do is cry and break games when we can't best them.
@Llave-de-Espada you are right that its young mx. He is the one that riku told terra that some one else left the island long ago also. Cause destiny islands was the home for mx. As for who played him I couldn't find his name either. And nobody else on here might not think that the mysterious figure might be a clone of terranort?
just like when terra sentiment mistook sora for mx
You know what you are right they were released from the keyblade of hearts lol my bad I'm RETREATED forgot about that. but hey you know how kairi s heart after being released went back into her body same thing with princesses cause that video you posted show belle getting hers back too, so could vens heart went back into his body too just like everyone else. Cause kairi heart went back into her heart and created a nobody in reasponce when it was can be assumedI'm not saying its true just thinking outside the box, that ven awoke too but his nobody roxas was created in response to his heart being released also. So can he be awake in the chamber of awaking but can't get out cause only aqua knows its secrets
I mentioned nothing about sora resembling roxas.what I did ask was the fact that those 7 hearts that were released by sora couldn't be the 7 princess of heart because only 7 were released and I'd all those were the princesses the you have to account for soras heartas well as vens cause he absorbed his at the end of bbs correctfor a total of nine heart s then which don't add up. And for the whole vexen,evan thing it s just a theory.just like people were saying mx didn't kill eraquis because nomura left that out but in fact he did kill him. Therefore the whole evan part could of been left out for or imaginations to ponder about.
so how is that possible that those hearts belong to the seven princesses, when we know two of those hearts are soras and kairi, another is ven when sora absorbed his and the end of bbs, so thats three down, as for belle how did he even get belles heart in the first place? so three of those hearts were not the princesses and seven were released from him, the math dosnt add up. one was belles and the other three who? maybe during vens story he absorb someones heart and when sora absorb his then released it, so could the other three be from vens heart. also im guessing the guy i couldnt remember is evan and his nobody is vexen correct? anyway the game dosnt show it that he is working fow mx behind xehanorts back like braig was doing, but their was a seen when talking with ven that he said something to himself like this boys heart is ure light and void off darkness or something like that. and had this chessey grin that was all evil like. so you know he was experimenting with hearts even after ansem said not too. so like i said befor vexen or evan probally cloned him like he did to riku and roxas
well I saw that video, question though, when sora released his heart. Seven hearts were released 1.soras of course 2.kairi 3.belle 4.ven too of course according to the secrete ending in birth by sleep So who's were other three? Another point I wasn't to make is remember the scientist who cLoned riku in com, and also cloned roxas in 358 to create could be possible that he cloned xehanort and wad working for him just like braig was behind ansems back. There was scene in bbs that showed ven talking to that guy,i forgot who that scientist name was, but it could be possible he cloned mx as well, because he is trying to find ways to stay around longer then everybody else, so the mysterious figure could be mx clone, cause he had the same enhance as xemnas did kh final mix and same weapon but different color.
@dirk yep you are right I did rewatch everything on the opening scenes of vens I can throw that one theory out the window now, that the organization wasn't created yet. but in the opening scene it showed a figured that said "this island is just to small". It kind a look like terranort or a young mx before he left destiny islands to seek other worlds and train under his master to become a keyblade wielder alongside eraquis and yen sid. So since mx fused his dark heart with terra that mx would somewhat resemble his younger self cause he is in a younger body now. Also remember when mx released the darkside of vens heart in order to create the x blade cause he needed two hearts that were equal in power of light and darkness to succeed, and created vanitas, which in turn left ven unconscious. Because Vanistas took too much of vens heart. So what if the same is for mx, that he tried experimenting on himself before he met ven. that he released his own dark heart, which is the mx we know and the mysterious figure is his good heart cause and not too much was taken from each other to leave the other unconscious, also it says he uncovered a new type of keyblade the x blade before he met ven, therefore something must have gone wrong since he had to use ven to create it instead of his good and bad heart
@evilman89 its eraquis lingering spirit in armor form
Yea you are right. I just finished watching the vids in the theatre and it does show terra absorbing eraquis heart and terra asking mx why. As for the mysterious figure how can it be xemnas if terranort hasn't separated from his heart yet cause in the secret ending it show s terranort walking with braig down the hallway of the castle in radiant garden. So if it is, is he from the future, cause he doesn't appear through a dark portal he just materalizes from what it looks like a worm hole.cause he was wearing an organization suit and they weren't even formed yet until terranort betrays anselm the wise. But yea my other now like I stated in the last post and accordion to you that a heartless can't become one if it hours into another body, but since vens heart didn't when mx stabbed his heart, and released his darkness, its safe to assume vanitas is vens nobody. Well anyways according to nomura in bbs final mix the new secret boss is eraquis lingering sentiment in armor form. Also the mysterious figure has more evidence that suggests it xemnas or terranort, because remember in kh 1 final mix, when xemnas appears the same way through some temporal flux or worm hole, just like the mysterious figure did, even though xemnas weapons are red but like the other post somebody else mentioned their weapons are similar to their somebodies. So therefore it terranort before he separated himself from his heart, and his similar to xemnas but are green. So its safe to assume terranort is testing their power just like xemnas did to sora, and he its in his first stages of creating the organization due to fact he is wearing the robe So the mysterious figure can't be eraquis, because you can't have one or the other Or it could be according to mx letter in the game it can almost be mx,eraquis and yen sid that's a theory.
@rena88 huh i was thinking that mx was talking about riku when they were fighting for control of terras body. also what info suggests that mx stabbed eraquis in the back after battle with terra with mx walking up to him saying "him Why".is their a video or anything? also there are a couple of details about the game, when mx stabbed his heart in the battle with terra, shouldnt their be a heartless or a nobody also, even in aquas story in the final episode its shows terranort fighting aqua but momentarily he regain control and stabbed his heart once again as terranort, again is their a nobody or a heartless that formed, could the heartless be ansem the seeker of darkness and the nobody xemnas. also is vanitas vens nobody cause mx stabbed his heart to release his dark side? @Rena also in the scenes of KH final mix 2, it shows a hooded figure in the room of sleep could the mysterious figure be eraquis cause he told aqua how to close the place thats why she is the only person to unlock the place, cause he said "long time my Friend".
hey whats up quick question i have the three story modes on critical, and when i played through terras story and fought master eraquis. i didnt see terra absorb eraquis heart, also how that be his nobody when his heart wasnt struck? i went back in the theater and didnt notice it.