I saw them. 8D YOU'RE SO PRETTTTTY. <3 You really are. Perfect. >< -Runs my fingers through your hair and kisses your forehead- You're right. <3...
Oh, right...XD I'm sorry. ; ; I want to see a picture of you with your hair down and all of the way down so I can see more. XD So now it'll be all...
How long WAS it? ._. It still seems long. 8D Maybe if you grow it out long enough, it'll wrap around the whole world! And heal everyone. 8DD And...
She scared me. D; And oh. Well, I bookmarked it then. XD People have described me as charismatic. But in reality, I'm pretty kept to myself....
That's probably why it's so long! O: TEH MAGICAL POWERS GROWS IT OUT QUICKLY. -Clings back to you- Miraaaaaaaaaaa. <333 Well, just don't cry. XD...
Yeah, that link worked when I tried it. BUT NO ONE WAS THERRRRE. Except for the scary computerized voice. Oh wow. >< And..lol! If she does,...
OO: Magical hair! 8D -Clings to you tightly- ... ; ; Well...Yeah, okay, so I'll show you a picture TONIGHT. XD -Nudges my nose back and holds you...
-Makes a sick person touch it- ... -They're instantly healed- OOO: I TOLD YOU. And it's the best freaking apple I've ever tasted in my life....
...Okay. That's more like it. 8D Really? Sorry about that. I hope she gets back on. It's always a little scary when someone disappears...
Ohhh, okay. That makes more sense. I was like, "magical hair! 8D" -Takes a bit out of the apple- ^^ Thank you. <3 And...<< You might be...
...OMG. -Rages- NOT FAIR. D: IT HAS TO BE SOMETHING IMPORTANT. I'm sorry for your loss... ._. They have no MSN or email or something?...
...D< Second awesome? FINE, W/EEEE. Oh God. XD SORRY. ...You've GOT to be kidding me. XD So intense (tense...).
Awww. I'm not really sure how that works, but it sounds...awesome, really. XD I wish that happened to me. My hair isn't long enough for that...
Whatever, your 1525th VM is now pronounced the most awesome VM in your VM..s. Haha. Wow. There's a song? I've seen the video you're talking...
-Strokes your hair again- <33 It's still soft from the wig? XD...And. Gah. Expensive. But I bet I could buy one. I already told you about my so...
...XD Awesome. I suppose I can settle for your...-Checks- ...1525th one. ._. And thanks. Also, green + Orange = EXPLOSION OF AWESOMENESS.
Not too fond on the idea of wearing a wig. XD Maybe if I continue growing my hair out then I can spike it up awesomely...then get it cut after. B|...
I would try. <3 It would be fun. ^^ Besides, I've never really done it so...New experiences are always a plus! Will you just cosplay as one...
I've heard and noticed so many bad things about this place in terms of drama. However I'm a bit of a constant lurker in the Creativity Corner, ended up befriending an author, meeting a couple of her friends and being convinced to join. My plan of action is to reach premium status and disappear from posting in the actual threads. Visitor messages are nice though. Either way. Anime, MSN, video-games, metal, Japanese culture, visual art and literature is a go. Don't expect me to be up-to-date with the fads of the world, pop-lock or dropping to..anything, and above all, if drama ensues, don't expect me to fuel the fire with my presence for I have no shame in vanishing from it. :] Favorite color is green, favorite game character is Zack Fair, age is 18, attending college. With those thoughts aside...Hey.
Do you think I would look good as Zack? ._. And...xD Haha. Fangirl. <3 Well...I'll try to. 8D I'll start looking at stuff for it so I can get the...