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  1. stelle del mare
    Codes don't work

    I have codebreaker v8 and the only code that seems to work is the munny code. I tried the infinite mp and hp for individual characters under the stats attachment and they still lose health and mp (though for Sora both of the bars for mp and hp are really long but he still loses mp and hp and I did NOT put the max code on just the infinite). I've put in all of the codes right and even when I have only 1 or 2 codes on, they still don't seem to work. I've tried the inf mp and hp for all characters too but that doesn't seem to work either (and is that infinite for only the characters in my party?) I don't usually have any code problems and I know that the ones from the codebreaker site don't work either. So is there anything I can do to make the codes work (and to get an infinite hp/mp code that won't make the bar extremely long?)
    Post by: stelle del mare, Apr 4, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  2. stelle del mare
    Codes don't work

    Post deleted by user
    Post by: stelle del mare, Apr 4, 2010 in forum: Code Vault