A random bug, I was fighting the mysterious enemy and I used a ice cream potion to go into FireStrom but, he killed me before I could change and then this happened...... [video=youtube;RMxClWk7mKE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMxClWk7mKE[/video]
Why not? Not to mention, the people who are banned can come here as a guest. But don't the guest have a limit on how much they can view?
doesn't that take oh i don't know, a lifetime?
Hmm, i never though of that, thank you a lot.
ok then, if you say so
not sure why you merged my post, i mean i know it's double posting but there are kind of different.
OK, I'M DONE FORGET ABOUT LEA, ARGHH. Ok, well i decided to talk to her and she if maybe we could work things out or something and she told me.......she was just leading me on, the entire time, i mean six months c'mon that's a little long to be leading someone on. Arghh i'm so f'ing mad right now. Ahh whatever, no amount of advice could help me now so whatever. Ok ****, please excuess my language, this is killing me. I was talking to her earlier today, and she was saying how she still loves me, but she is afraid of love. I tried to show/tell her there is nothing to be afraid of and well, we are going out again. This has been the most confusing day ever, i need a drink. off topic, yes a ****ing drink lol, a nice beer or alcohol will do, even tho i'm only 15.
''First'', hmm never thought of that. ''Second'', i know, been trying that but, it hasn't been working out lol :( ''Third'', no way!!! lol i dunno about that lol.
I guess i can do that but, your asking me to forget about lea? but, i don't want to :(
OK i will besides, i know i actually didn't do anything wrong, which is another thing that is just eating at me. Thanks, and yeah i guess we will :)
Hm, i guess i can try those suggestions, thank you everyone. I actually feel a little better, weird lol. It's just that, arghh i still love her :( , not to mention i didn't even get a reason as to why we were breaking up. Also like i said she is everywhere i go, it's like i go on facebook and there she is, of course i want to talk to her but, i know it probably won't make a difference :(
Just yesterday my girlfriend broke up with me. I really don't know what happened, we have been dating for 6 months now and all of a sudden this brake up. I mean yesterday while we were talking she said ''can we be friends?'', that's how it started. The thing is now that we are broken up, well i still love her and can't get over her. Not to mention i don't even know why we broke up. So i just wanted to know, how can i forget about her. I've tried but everywhere i go she is there, msn, facebook, even today. When i went to the store she was there and we walked right past each other, nothing was said. I really don't know what to do.
OK if you say so.
Oh OK, but i still posted in the wrong section.
That thread the one you had to lock, sorry about it :(
Sorry for that :(
Yeah, I wonder how that scene will be. When she is sitting in the river, it will probably not be as good :/
I hate Aqua's voice it's so empty. The rest are alright. Honestly just listen to her..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKKFPBPOTMs&playnext_from=TL&videos=7Di7xGaRAvg
what is this?
Is it not better than nothing at all?