Search Results

  1. kaji360
    favorite: Riku(he was the easiest, and i love him)
    most hated: leechgrave and the ruler of the sky(both took too long to kill)
    Post by: kaji360, Jan 3, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  2. kaji360
    Who did you feel worse for at the end, Roxas or Axel? Axel, because he just lost his best friends.

    Did Xion bug the hell out of you (because she did me)? yes!

    Are there any other worlds you wish were in KH 358/2 Days? Destiny Islands

    Who is your least favorite Organization member (not from the C.O. crew, a lot of people hate them)? Saix

    Was Xion an easy or hard boss? first and second forms weren't that bad, but the third one pissed me off

    Did you want the game to continue after Roxas was inside the other Twilight Town? yes!

    Did you want the game to start sooner in the story? yes!

    Why do you think they only have one flavor of ice cream? maybe it was the cheapest? or Axel's somebody's favorite was sea salt ice cream?

    Why did Hayner, Pence, and Olette have bigger parts than King Mickey? because they play bigger parts in his life

    Also: Post what really pissed you off about the game (you know, besides anything I mentioned.) the neverland bosses
    Post by: kaji360, Jan 3, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX