Search Results

  1. +Serah Farron+
    Username:+Serah Farron+
    Name: Poppy Shinewood
    Age: 14
    Personality: Fun, Energetic, Caring
    Bio/History:Her parents died when she was very young leaving her to fend for herself in the streets
    Army or Citizen (if Army, which one):Citizen
    Rank or Social Class (optional):Working Class
    Special Skills (optional):Is well trained in sword skill and martial arts too
    Weapon (optional):Guns
    Other:Has a dog named Odin.
    Post by: +Serah Farron+, Dec 30, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. +Serah Farron+
    Hi Guys. I'm Serah Farron and I'm new. It would be cool if at least one of you welcomed me cuz Only 1 person welcomed me
    Thread by: +Serah Farron+, Dec 30, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  3. +Serah Farron+
  4. +Serah Farron+
    Username:+Serah Farron+
    Name: Dia
    Appearance: Has two long blonde ponytails, Big golden eyes, Always wears her yellow t-shirt and black skirt
    History:Was from another kingdom but was adopted by the king of the light kingdom.
    Personality: Energetic,Cheerful and Funloving
    Weapon: Fuma Shuriken
    Ability: Speaks to dead people
    Kingdom (Fire, Water, Dark or Twilight): Light
    Chosen One?: Light
    Role (Guardian, Knight, King, Queen or Soldier): Princess
    Post by: +Serah Farron+, Dec 29, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home