Like I said. Just use what codes we have. They're more than enough codes. I used them, and I have a 100% complete file, with an awesome panel set up.
Just play the game with the codes already provided. There are enough codes to help you get a 100% complete file. I used the codes here, and I have a 100% complete file. With the codes here, you can speed through the game. Just take it mission by mission. Using a code like get max level up panel could mess up your file since the game has a certain number of level up panels.
Yes. These are Action Replay DS compatible. As to how to use the codes, here are your options: 1. Look it up online 2. Go to and look up the information 3. Read the instruction manual that came with it.
Don't think they'll do anymore codes. The game has more than enough codes to easily help you get 100% completion.
But it won't matter until you play enough of the story mode to play them. >_>
In other words, the code probably can't be made so that it works. Either that, or you need to play through story mode some more. In short, the code was kinda pointless because you would have unlocked them all as you played the game.
uh no? for example, for either of the codes if you want Xemnas... xx = 65 yy = 78
Yea? Really? Thanks for nothing. >_>
Yet again you didn't read it all. If you did, then you don't understand again. Let me write it (again). I've used the following codes and they have issues (as in they don't work at all) with a few missions. The codes I'm using: 1-Hit Kill 520C8DAC E2800B02 520C8DB0 E0880640 020C8DAC E3A00CFF 020C8DB0 E28000FF D2000000 00000000 Always Three Challenge Sigils Doesn't work for all Challenges, for time-based Challenges use Time Never Increase, for money-based Challenges use multipliers 5206CD58 E7830101 0206CD58 E1A00000 D2000000 00000000 Time Never Increase 9206F7E0 0000C020 0206F7E4 E3A0000B D0000000 00000000 The missions I've yet to get 100% completion on is: 17sp (0) -- don't miss with attacks -- tailbunker is the target 46sp (0) -- don't miss with attacks -- solid armor is the target 84sp (2) -- clear mission within time limit -- i used the code yet i only get 2? weird 48sp (0) -- don't miss with attacks -- solid armor is the target 93 (0) -- don't miss with attacks -- riku is the target 66sp (0) -- don't get hit 87sp (0) -- don't get hit -- target is windstorms 78 (2) -- clear within time limit -- ruler of the sky is target -- used the infinite mission timer code but i got 2 again? 31sp (2) -- don't get hit -- target is bully dog 50sp (0) -- don't get hit -- target is infernal engine The number in the parenthesis is how many sigils I have. I'm obviously trying to get 3 challenge sigils for all of them, but the codes don't work on those specific missions. I need someone to edit/modify the codes or simply create new ones so they work on the missions I have yet to get 100% completion on. I'M USING A NORTH AMERICAN VERSION OF KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 DAYS. I'M USING AN ACTION REPLAY DS. I'M NOT USING A ROM OR EMULATOR.
read what i said AGAIN.
WHICH CODES?! Are you serious? I've posted the same post reminding people about 3 or 4 times now. >_> ^ That link is the most recent reminder post I made.
So, I take it that no one has figured out what was wrong with the codes I used?
AGAIN In case people forgot what I needed assistance with a while ago... I sent a PM to the user Prof. 9 on November 15th stating... * i have been using the always 3 challenge sigils and the infinite time code correctly. i did put them in correctly as well.[/QUOTE]
How is that code revision coming with the ones I asked about a while ago...?
Yea I know he's new to the site, but he should learn to use the search feature. There's no need to clutter up the thread with requests of stuff that has already been fulfilled.
Like I said...You didn't look hard enough. Or maybe you didn't use something call search? I requested the code about the emblems staying lit a while ago and the request was already fulfilled. I've posted the codes that the guys hacked here on a bunch of other online forums (of course giving credit to them since they made the code). So unless you want to go Google'ing for those codes, I suggest you try looking or using the search function.
Well, if that's the code you want, then you obviously haven't gone "through the entire thread"... >_>
Again, you probably won't get PAL codes posted here. Also, don't you think that maybe because it was a ROM that ARDS codes didn't work?
Then go look elsewhere? If you hadn't noticed, this thread is called Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (NTSC U/C) Codes for a reason. There are no PAL version codes here.
You really don't need those items, because if you play the game and play the missions to 100% (or close to it), you'll have all of it.