Who did you feel worse for at the end, Roxas or Axel? Gah! Too hard x.x I feel sorry for them both... Did Xion bug the hell out of you (because she did me)? No, I actually like Xion. Are there any other worlds you wish were in KH 358/2 Days? Pride Lands? Roxas in lion form would be ADORABLE <3 Who is your least favorite Organization member (not from the C.O. crew, a lot of people hate them)? Saix, ughh, he just ticks me off. I love the C.O. crew, darn you haters... Was Xion an easy or hard boss? Eh, not that hard, but I was on beginner mode, so... Did you want the game to continue after Roxas was inside the other Twilight Town? OMG YES! Did you want the game to start sooner in the story? Nah, I think it was fine. Why do you think they only have one flavor of ice cream? I dunno, but sea-salt ice cream has become like, a symbol of the series now, so it would be weird to just add another random flavor. Why did Hayner, Pence, and Olette have bigger parts than King Mickey? Probably because the main character in the game was Roxas, and Hayner, Pence, and Olette were more important to Roxas' story than the King.
My thoughts exactly (x3)! I love Roxas and Xion together, it's just so darn cute <3
Even though Xion is one of my favorite characters, I gotta admit she was only somewhat important to the story. We probably could've done without her, but she did make the story of 358/2 Days more interesting.
358/2 Days is, in my opinion, definetly the saddest KH game out yet. I cried at the end when Xion died, it was such a touching scene...and then I cried even harder at the WINNER stick scene. Also, the scene where Axel is about to fight Xion! I hope I'm not the only one who cried there...
I voted! Also, am I the only one who noticed that Days is the only DS game that was on "Best Sound/Voice Acting"? ^w^