Days has some FM translated scenes such as the moment when Xemnas names Roxas. If they translated some FM scenes, why not translate more of them that bear information regarding the plot? <^Seraph>
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Spoiler I've seen that scene. I though that was a direct reference to BbS, the same goes to the scene after the intro, the one where Xemnas taps Roxas' shoulder. <^Seraph>
Spoiler IMO, I think it depends how you treat her. After Xion and Axel became friends, Axel began to see her face. Saix sees her with her hood, meaning he treats her like a doll and, he makes a small reference to her being a replica. There's also Xigbar with his "poppet". <^Seraph>
I think Axel uses his catchphrase more than in CoM and KH2, but, you can get used to it. <^Seraph>
Judging by Nomura saying that KH2 would be his last KH on the PS2, no, even though Re: CoM was re-released in NA to the PS2. <^Seraph>
If memory serves right, Nomura said that KH2 was his last KH on the PS2, perhaps meaning that there won't be any BbS/Days/Coded re-release to the PS2. <^Seraph>
Reasons why Sora is cooler than Roxas: If Sora never stabbed himself with the heart releasing keyblade, Roxas would've never existed. Sora wins against Riku in many fights, Roxas loses against him. Sora has more friends than Roxas. <^Seraph>
FF characters are like guest stars in KH, the main focus are Disney worlds and original characters. I think the FF characters fit more in Sora's "Story Arc". <^Seraph>
Yes. Rikunort has all except the helmet, while DS has the helmet. <^Seraph>
I believe DS is a new character, though he might know TAV and their Master. Perhaps int he past he did something he was ashamed to do and decided to hide his face... or he's planning revenge like AtW hid himself as "DiZ". <^Seraph>
Sora and Riku are seen sword fighting with their wooden swords in a scene. If memory serves well, it was a scene where Ventus and Terra were in a sun-setting scenery. <^Seraph>
I believe so. Perhaps TAV and their Master near the buttons, while MX and DS where the move pad is and some Unverses and their symbol on the back. <^Seraph>
Spoiler Not only does BbS connect MX, Terra and Ventus to Xehanort, XH, Xemnas and Roxas but, in Days, there are some moments where Xemnas seems to treat Roxas like he knew him. Example: There's a scene where Xemnas taps Roxas' shoulder, there's another scene where Xemnas tells something along the lines of "So, you're sleeping once again." <^Seraph>
Ventus looks like he's 14 - 17 years old. In KH1, Sora is about 13 - 14 years old. Since BbS takes place 10 years before KH1, Sora should be 3 - 4 years old, so if Ventus were to be his father, Sora would have been born when Ventus was: 14 - 3/4 = 11/10 15 - 3/4 = 12/11 16 - 3/4 = 13/12 17 - 3/4 = 14/13 Ventus would be a very young father, but this is a case found in real life but, I doubt Ventus is Sora's father. <^Seraph>
see: Kingdom Hearts Coded, Cutscene 05: those who heal (English Subtitles) I believe there is also the sixth translated video. <^Seraph>
see: FFIV: TAY KH Coded might have some potential to be released in WiiWare, due to FFIV's sequel released in WiiWare. <^Seraph>
That is the true message written in the journal. <^Seraph>
DoCoMo From the looks of it, yes. I don't see the huge resemblance of CoM and Coded, only the mugshots. <^Seraph>
There is only one "Coded Unknown". How can they hack the data if they're death? Every. Single. One. Of. Them. Even if they were the data Org. XIII members, none of then were like their Nobody counterparts, in the sense of them being mindless pieces of data stored away. <^Seraph>