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  1. Neko Momo

    The Gurdian

    Aw.. I loved that movie.. It was so sad at the end.. I felt like crying.. T-T It was kinda boring in some parts.. But I loved how funny/sad it was ^-^ Anyone else see that movie?
    Thread by: Neko Momo, Oct 7, 2006, 11 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  2. Neko Momo


    Thanki-ness for all the warm welcomes ^-^ I'll abide by the rules and make sure I do all the stuff ^-^ And I'll make sure to send ya a PM on how to make an AMV, I'm pretty bad at it ^^;; (And thankie, I like you avatar too)
    Post by: Neko Momo, Oct 7, 2006 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  3. Neko Momo


    I'm maybe, kinda, sort-a, am new here ^-^ And um.. o.o I'm odd... very.. odd O.o ^-^ But don't mind me when I have my random moments.. (which is about almost all the time)
    Thread by: Neko Momo, Oct 7, 2006, 11 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures