wait.. so it was suppose to do that?! I thought you were allowed to play as Roxas throughout the entire game with that cheat. ((sorry just kinda new to the whole cheating thing.....))
All that did was give Roxas the oblivion key throughout his storyline....
I tried to enter the AR MAX cheat code for 73- Desire For All That is Lost and it says that I entered it for the wrong game, and I entered it for kh2 edit:I also put in the play as Roxas DW cheat code and when I turned on the game it was just Sora in valor form forever
Zelda! Although if anything I would like a zelda pic and a Kingdom Hearts pic to be mixed and mashed.
wait these are AR cheats right or am I in the wrong thread? i'm confused!
& while I'm at it what about being Riku? is there a code for that?
is there any codes to be Roxas throughout the entire game?
I forgot what they are called but the Flying ship ones
not yet no, but I do have COM itself I'm pretty far as it is
When I first played 2 I thought Demyx then I after I beat it I was bored so I went to Hollow Bastion/Radient Garden & was just wandering around then saw Sephiroth, talked to him & went into a battle, he is the hardest boss
I haven't played Re:Com but I have played Com, I say there both as good as eachother because one you can carry around & the other you get a more detailed look at things