Dancing all the night~
Desi wants to RP more....even though it has nothing to do with this group
This Group is Offically Dead.. -digs a hole and throws the guild in-
As soon as Scott finished, Michi decided to aim for where it's heart was. She immideatly pulled the lance back, and shot at the dark angel. 'Now It should hit it directly unless it pulls anything.'[/I] she thought as she watched the a lance fly towards the dark angel.
"Yeah, or I used them all on before." Michi said took and held the lance for a moment. "...I can use this, but are you fine with it?" she said as she got in posistion and aimed at the Dark angel. She was waiting for Scott's answer as she determined where and when was the best time to shoot it.
I don't know Dx ......
Huh? :x I think I missed something
Nothing really DDD:
Oh Okay DD:
Good...How about you?
Huh? D: and Goodz
Aaah ok o.o; .............
Oh Wow O-o; And nothing. How about you?
Howz you been doin'?
Oh Yus, It's all rainbowy
FAWWWW D:.....;o;
Hiya There.... =]
Michi decided killing one of her kind wouldn't hurt, and pulled out her bow. As she went to take a bow out she remembered, wishing she picked up the ones from before. She went over to Scott to help him. "Hey, can you get up...?" she asked.
Michi hesitated. 'To go or not to go...' she thought before sighing and going after him. She decided it wouldn't be too bad to stick with him for alittle longer. She as she followed him, she began to with her wing wasn't hurt.