ya i know final mix for the first kh game didn't come out here so i hope it does in the secound game i mean that whould so not be far.
If you watch it agine you'll see that when Sora uses the blades power to free Kairi's heart other hearts re enter the other princess bodys and the blade disaperes. The only reason Hearts other than sora and Kairis would come out of the blade is because of the fact it was made of the other six's heart. Do you understand?
I was Sora.
ya riku's cute but i think sora would be a better date. I used him from KH 1 as my desk top once. It was one with fethers floting down and you could see his head only. His blue eyes just made my heart flutter.
For me it would have to be Sora. I loved the way Sora looks in some of the good cut scenes and his voice is hevnly. Both in the english and japanes version. I like the jap voice when he sings better though.
Mabye it kinda urgent but there happy to hear from him. Also some one said how would micky get the letter to them. How did the letter from Kairi got to Sora? One micky sora and all the others hearts are connected. Plus we didn't see all of the caslte so mabye there is an ocean or he drove his gummi ship above the island and droped it into the ocean that way?
Was mine ok?
Hey. I'm masterheart. I thought i would drop a line and say hi and check out this site cuse i've seen there cut-scenes a bunch on youtube.com. My birthday was today so i got a bunch of stuff. I love kingdom hearts and youtubes Kingdom Hearts parodys. Like 3 fools and a microphone is the best one there. But i digress.
Ok this is what i would like to have http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f88/cheezrulz84/Kingdom Hearts/th_thKHCastNRSK.png That picture as my sig. Do you think you could do it? Please and thank you.