OK, Be all and end all of my opinion on this latest theory. - Xemnas creates Xion to store Sora's memories, and hopefully be able to work with Roxas to help with the Kingdom Hearts recreation project. - Xion, instead of turning out to be a 'second twin' to Sora, ends up a near-twin of Kairi. - As Namine works on the leak, Xion's personality and appearance slightly changes, causing Xion's face to briefly look like Sora. - She eventually goes crazy, wanting to be the 'true' Keyblade Master, not caring about Sora or Roxas, and turns into the boss in the videos. - Roxas absorbs the memories inside her, leaving only Xion's own memories, which aren't strong enough to sustain a physical form. - There is no 'Xion = Sora' or 'Xion = Kairi'... Xion is Xion... a amalgam of bits and pieces, tossed aside in a attempt to make Namine Sora's girlfriend during a plan that went south.
Those videos prove only one thing... Yes, she's absorbed into Roxas. That robot just looks, to me, like a very good final boss. Sora = Spiky haired Nobody defeater. Looks kind like Roxas. Xion = At no time in that entire video sequence, looks like Sora. She still looks like Kairi's Replica to me.
I have to say this... If this is Xion's fate, Square-Enix, thanks for nothing. However, it seems like bullshit. Unless you're the king or queen of gaming, you'd not be in the late part of the game within a day or two of release, unless you're playing it non-stop. Nothing else has even MENTIONED this rumor except a sudden theory that seems to link really neatly with the rumor mill. Show me a screenshot of the Male Xion, and I'll believe it. Right now, I still say she's Kairi's replica, not Sora's. Sora doesn't need another copy, and Dual Wield is not something you get by absorbing someone else.