The only game that is worth buying of all the threads I've seen so far.
I beg to differ: Colour scheme is absolutely fabulous. Better than ****...
sure is yugioh in here
how's life guy
sup kid
Why are you still in this thread? Care less about KHI, care more about your forum.
You think I don't? If you were a good (read: capable) staff member, this should have been dealt with from the get go. Obviously you do care about KHI's shenanigans since you let it go until now. O: cool story bro
What are you stupid? Implication: you fell for Silh's joke! Gosh you sure are lame! Implication: Not really since I was in on the joke the entire time! Connect the dots kid.
Fun fact: Entire staff was in on the joke. I'm on staff O: I got you.
does everything on khv revolve around getting banned? O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: O: also apparently it was a joke. gosh that Silh sure is funny.
I have reason to believe that you may be talking out of your ass with this post. Just maybe. yes.
3 more quarters and that's a can of coke! lmfao Nice joke there kiddo.
He; Monkey used to admin KHI before Silh did. Memory is foggy, so I don't remember why he had to leave, but he did. Now he's back and Silh's gone lol. :l
... Monkeybutt?
idk, khv seems to have this huge vendetta on khi. thought you guys might be interested. >:
thanks mang