oh yes, I liked her in Bridge to Terabithia ^_^
awesome, spoilers!! I wonder if you play through all 358 days, which will make it quite lengthy or if you play 179 days because roxas gets captured by riku or something. 358/2 = 179 or it could men you play as roxas for 179 days and the other 179 is played by possibly Xion? i don't know maybe its just me speculating until "Fall 2009" :type::wow::.-.::poke:
1. Fenrir (even though I've never gotten it, curse you Sephiroth!) 2. Ultima Weapon 3. Oathkeeper 4. Oblivion 5. Bond of Flame
Hi. How are you?:3
Awesome! although, it's not really spoiler-ish just recycled scenes of the organization members and scenes we've already seen in the trailers. But it's too bad I can't speak Japanese fluently, I had no idea what they were saying although I could pick out some words like Axel said "That's Right." somewhere in the video or at least I think ehh, my Japanese skills are not up to par. :nono:
R.I.P Wayne Allwine. :( Man Oh Man, It's depressing to hear this, seeing how 358/2 days is very close to release in Japan. How is mickey going to sound in 358/2 Days and Birth by Sleep? *sigh*
I'm Guessing Dolphin. hehe...Sora is Dolphinboy!
I don't know I Like them all. But maybe Saix,...because he's a ******. :D
1,000 Heartless was pretty cool and the Xemnas battle on Memory's Skyscraper too.
Xylekbrim Mikelbryx Bekrlyxim Xibermylk Rimbexlyk hmm... I could think of more....
I'd have to say Zexion. although I'd pick Axel too because he was awesome and maybe Larxene because she was one devious character. ^_~
:woohoo: :woohoo: woohoo! can't wait! i'm so excited!
Building your own deck as sora was AGGRAVATING to say the least, i had to level up like 52 times just to beat Vexen and the Riku Replica would not give up after losing. I liked the Reverse/Rebirth side better XD.
That is the Same thing i said when i nearly got to hollow bastion. Merlin, Yuffie, Arieth & Leon,Cid were from traverse town in kh1 but in kh2 they magically moved to Hollow Bastion where the water looks fake. Traverse Town probably is still thre but is empty since their is no more use for it, since sora restored the worlds.
Personally, I'm quite content with her character design. But, What i would change about her would be her to not be the damsel-in-distress type cliché in the game (although she only officially captured once). I'd also put more reasoning behind her randomly wielding a keyblade and her neglected character development/potential and give an explaination behind her moivng from Radiant Garden to Destiny Islands and how she came to be a princess of heart. Kh1: she was not really ALIVE but in a comatose-like state through most of the game. Kh:CoM: appeared once but it was actually namine, so she really wasn't there. Kh2: captured by axel and taken to the world that never was. At least she wasn't voiced by MILEY CYRUS! gah,that be terrible. she ruined penny from bolt who knows what she'll do next? *shudders*
I believe sometime in Re:CoM, Namine was talking to Larxene about their plains for Sora and the Riku Replica which i believe the quote is something like "Sora's feelings for Kairi will only grow stronger, sine I'm...the shadow of kairi." (something along those lines) and the quote "Nobody's like us are only half a person...you won't disappear you'll be whole!..." and the whole joining with kairi at the end thing proves namine as the nobody of kairi. and xion i thought was kairi's other nobody until i saw the recent trailer where she turns into a Xehanort-looking person.
Most people hate her either because they like SoraxRiku(or other paring) and somehow she gets in the way of this or She is not that involved in the plot of KH2 to even bother with her exisitance in the game(s). also, I'm noticing a trend of "i hate kairi because she stole sora away from me/my friend!" which SoraxKairi is loosely implied on the story. But, Kairi to me is a tolerable character after all she is not whiny, b*tchy, hoe, etc. she is just the female lead in a Disney/Enix game who turned out simplistic and not completely involved in the plot. Her involvement in the plot is very little which results in people not caring for her since she's not doing something eccentric throughout the whole game. who is way to underdeveloped like most characters in this game.
Sweet! Dave Boat did a great job in Re:CoM as Lexaeus. Now i wonder if Brittney Snow will return as Namine, unlikely since she didn't return for Re:CoM but, who knows? Although i don't mind Megan Jette Martin either, they both did a good job as namine.
I Have a question (more like many questions). If both Roxas and Xion can wield the Kingdom Key then, why does marluxia have to go through all of the trouble in Chain of Memories to make the Keyblade master(Sora) his Puppet? Could Marluxia had involve Xion or Roxas in his plan to overthrow the organization, would he need sora? Was this all apart of Marluxia's plot? is Xion Wielding the real Kingdom Key or a fake? if fake, where did she get it? has xion and roxas wield the kingdom key at the same time? at what time of the KH storyline was xion entered in the organization? (lol many questions) oh, i want this game so badly! grr, Squeenix. OH, and who do you guys think will be the VA of Xion in the English release?
I Thought Mar-loo-sha was Mar-Lux-ea, Zex-ee-un was Ze-xion, and lex-ee-us was Lex-a-us.