I say RE:Com is better. I've played both and the Play Station one is a lot better. I can't even figure out to put together the cards into those sleight things on the gameboy version. :(
I'm doing good, how are you?
I know! and it's such a fun game
well you need the swap magic and the Flip top load converter for the slim PS2 or the slide card for the fat PS2
yeah...the reason it was that much though is because I bought a new PS2 which was 80$ so yeah...
I had to go through a lot to get it to work though with all the swap magic asnd the Flip Top Load Converter and a bunch of stuff, ya it was like...
My favorite is probably KH2FM because of the reaction commands(some are really cool) and the extra stuff at the end like the CoR and the data fights.
Ok I've noticed some things that are different from KH2 and KH2FM. I KNOW that they're different games and that Final Mix has extra stuff but like one thing I noticed it that Roxas' hair is more blonde in KH2FM. Another thing I noticed is that Sora's hair is darker in brownish color and that the bottom of his shoes are black in KH2FM and gray in KH2. The last thing I've noticed is that Roxas' face looks different in the cutscenes than from what they look like in KH2.
I think Xemnas pt 2 is the hardest but the three main difficult Organization XIII members for data matches are Vexen, Zexion, and Demyx. Axel is a little hard but only because the flame floor sucks up your HP really quickly.
that's ok, so what's your favorite KH game?
good, hey do you know if there's a chat room on this site?
hey, wassup?
I think Xion is definitely Kairy's nobody, isn't Xion in KH 358/2 days? Namine is a nobody but a special nobody that has the power to mess with memories.
Sephiroth: I admit you're very skilled Me: Thank You! Sephiroth: Show me your strength Me: OK! *destroys Sephiroth* Beat That! Xigbar: Roxas! Me: ?What?
Hi guys, I'm new to forum sites and a huge fan of Kingdom Hearts. Hope to see you around!
My favorite kingdom hearts game is Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix, I really like the extra stuff after you beat final Xemnas and you can play up to four different characters! Roxas, Sora, King Mickey, and Riku
I had played KH1 before but I had no idea who Roxas was or why he was related to the game. I started watching the cut scenes and then I learned about why he's there and a bunch of other stuff. I would SO rather play as Roxas than Sora, Sora can just get a little old, y'know?
My favorite partner would be King Mickey but I have to say, Tron's limit is amazing.
UGH, I HATED the fight against the grim reeper thing in port royal's second visit
My favorite three fight in KH2 would have to be... 1. 1000 Heartless Fight 2. Volcanic and Blizzard Lord Fight 3. Axel's Second Battle against Roxas