Post post post
What about this year?
This is UNTENABLE. How DARE you post such fallacies!
Wait I logged in this year, can I haz staff?
"I'm winning," Llave said, like a liar (It's me, I'm winning)
Hard same.
Incorrect. I like mint chocolate ice cream, but not a lot It's probably closer to liking pineapple on pizza. Some people think it's weird and repellent. The people who like it really like it
Needs more Mish
I don't think liking them is weird. But liking them in a sexual way is a bit strange
Eh, we might get there
It sure is a question
That's not how sharing body heat works
If you shout into the void, beware. The void might shout back
We're all so old Also, I like how the poll goes from 1-5 years but we've all been here for waaaay longer
I sewed my own mask for work. It's not great, at all, but it's better than nothing, so I use it. And then I wash it and the rest of my uniform when I get home. The worst bit is I can't wear my glasses with it because they fog up, and I'd rather have blurry vision than foggy vision. Because work has picked up a lot, I'm working a lot more shifts, and a lot of them are outside my actual availability. I have an essay due tomorrow and no energy to write it. I asked for an extension, so hopefully that goes through. In happier news, I made a skull shawl for a friend for her birthday and she loved it. For anyone crawling on the walls, bored, can you leave your house and not visit people? Like take a drive out of the city, or go to a park? As long as you don't come in contact with anyone, you should be fine
I know right? Eleven years and counting
I'm also in grocery, so I'm seeing way more people than I'd like. I'm in a city, so things are still going, but it's a lot quieter. Buses are running for free now, and we have to board in the back, which is weird but I also don't have to shell out a hundred dollars for a pass this month. I made a shawl for my friend's birthday and I'm going to throw it at her door today. Since I have resigned myself to getting this thing, I premade a bunch of food and it's in the freezer. Mostly meatballs and soup. My brother has asthma but isn't being anywhere near careful enough, so I'm just having a low level heart attack every time I think about him. He came over yesterday to do some laundry and we played Crystal Chronicles, so that was fun. Currently eating a grilled cheese sandwich
No! Spoiler Haha, happy belated april fools lol jk But it's always lovely to see you~