a sequel to Resident Evil Degeneration where Leon S Kennedy plays the main role. hope this one is better than Afterlife. Teaser Trailer
good series but not good title imo.
i wish SE would remake it in 3D.
worst show i see on Nick is Naked Brothers Band (what kind of name is that?) and iCarly. best show i see are Spongebob, Fairly odd Parents and Avatar.
people who are still comparing KH to Naruto. Sora and Riku did not kiss.
check this out Touhou is better than Naruto
love this anime. nobody in America never heard about this (well at least some). Funimation says they will dub this so whats taking them so long?
Naruto is a rip off of DBZ. Naruto copy Goku by wearing orange and blue when ninjas arent suppose to wear orange. the writer of Naruto even admitted it.
whats this huge comparison going on about KH being compared to Naruto? theres nothing similar to them. first time i watch Naruto. it was stupid. Naruto, the main character is an annoying loudmouth whiny brat. i always hear him saying "I'm gonna be the next hokage" and "I'm a ninja ninja believe it!" all the time. He doesn't even like Sasuke. Sora is nothing like him. Tetsuya Nomura isn't gonna make a Naruto world in the next KH game. so why even compare them?
heres the official site http://www.square-enix.co.jp/dissidia_ut/
check it out http://www.onelastcontinue.com/10358/dissidia-universally-tuning-japan-this-november/
i just heard that SE announced Dissidia Universal Tuning release in Japan on November 1. so is this like the International version of it?
6 is the best final fantasy ever.
im not liking squalls voice when facing him.
start with X, X-2. its an excellent game. and then play FFVII, VIII or IX. they were great. you might like VI cuzz its the best FF game IMO.
the jonas brothers are always trying to match up to the Beatles. they never will be. first they covered Hello Goodbye and now they want to make their own game. http://g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/693697/Jonas-Brothers-Want-A-Video-Game.html
cool i saw squall doing magic in the air. i was disapointed they gave him only 2 air attacks. but this will be better than the japanese version.
i wonder when is FFV and VI remake will come out?