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  1. Demonic Angel


    I suffer from depression. It's not fun. :(

    I haven't resorted to cutting, but, alas, I've considered about it. Pondered, if you will.

    But I doubt I'd ever do it.
    Post by: Demonic Angel, Dec 3, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Demonic Angel

    あなた あなたが思われるほど叙事詩的スケールでない。

    Post by: Demonic Angel, Dec 3, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Demonic Angel

    That's what I have to say O.o

    BTW, it says "George". :)
    Post by: Demonic Angel, Dec 3, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Demonic Angel

    Translation is epic.

    I can say this: もしこれを読むことができれば、自分に後ろの上の軽くたたくことをあげてください。


    Post by: Demonic Angel, Dec 3, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Demonic Angel
    Topic Title. What exactly happens to you when you die?

    Some believe you go to Heaven or Hell, depending on your actions whilst you were alive. Other's believe you just rot in the ground (if you are buried), or scattered around your favourite place (if you are cremated). Other's believe you are reborn as a human/animal, depending on what happened to you during the course of life.

    Me, I believe that you are reborn as a human, with your memory wiped, SAVE ONE, your most important memory that does NOT involve family members. And that you are reborn on the other side of the planet. If you were a bad person (I.E. Racist, Slobby, Disrespectful, Mean, Hurtful), you are sent to a poor country. If you were the opposite of the above, you are sent to where you previously were (Depending).

    But what're your thoughts on this subject?
    Thread by: Demonic Angel, Oct 12, 2006, 43 replies, in forum: Discussion
  6. Demonic Angel
    Uhhh... little things you need.

    1) Longer Story. Not much description there.
    2) A bit more to the template section. Maybe a Bio?

    That's it. Fix those, and I'm sure I'll join, among other's :)
    Post by: Demonic Angel, Oct 11, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Demonic Angel
    Sounds like fun <3

    Name: Derek Dalziel AKA Demonic Angel

    Age: 12

    Background: Living in Canada (Victoria, to be exact) for my entire life, I never really had any problems making friends. Until I moved. Of course, being 12, I'm a young person in this competition, but don't underestimate me.

    Relations with other members: The new guy. Doesn't really have any relations with people.

    Appearance: 5'8, with curly brown hair. Deep green eyes, which show passion with hints of anger. Looks to weigh about 100 pounds.

    Attire: Generally, a t-shirt (blood red or ocean blue), and camo shorts. Black and white skate shoes aswell.

    Prefered Weapon: Polearm (a spear), or a Longsword. Or perhaps Bond Of Flames.

    Reaction to game *your strategy* : Generally tries to be as offensive as possible, but has a rather well-executed defense plan, if needed.

    Your number: 6

    Gender: D00D
    Post by: Demonic Angel, Oct 9, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Demonic Angel
    The sheer sexyness of my sig cannot be measured in words.

    Post by: Demonic Angel, Oct 9, 2006 in forum: Art Shop
  9. Demonic Angel
    Lol I Am Hur. Deel Wit It!11
    Post by: Demonic Angel, Oct 6, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Demonic Angel
    Type: SIG FTW
    Size: 400x150,
    Text: Text: Ichigo (Wherever it fits, I'm not tooooo picky on this <_<)
    Text Color: Wellll.... Blue + Black + White. Can it change each letter?
    BG Color: Uhhh... Top Third Blue, Middle White, Bottom Blue? If that works >_<
    *Other: If each of the fonts could be in a dif. type, that'd be appreciated. Something... "gruff", if that's okay.

    Hopefully, this isn't TOO much of a challenge, and you can complete it ASAP. Thank ya <3
    Post by: Demonic Angel, Oct 6, 2006 in forum: Art Shop
  11. Demonic Angel
    OMG JEROME. Hi. :P Welcome to KHV. Although I'm new myself, we should stick together :P <_<
    Post by: Demonic Angel, Oct 6, 2006 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  12. Demonic Angel


    Ha, lucky. I'm importing Diamond soon. I'm curious, is Bonsly + Munchlax in Pearl? I want both of 'em, cuz they're win. I LIKE BONSLY. GOT A PROBLEM? xD.

    It looks awesome. I hope it's as good as hyped. I wonder when the English version comes out? <_< Hopefully before March '07.
    Post by: Demonic Angel, Oct 6, 2006 in forum: Gaming
  13. Demonic Angel

    Hey All

    Yep, it's me. Demonic Angel. Some of you might know me from KHI, if you've been there. Yeah, I'm new to KH-Vids. Hopefully, I'll have a good time, and you'll all be nice, or some SRIUS BEETINZ MAI APLLI!11 Lol, had to have my bit of 1337 in there :p
    Thread by: Demonic Angel, Oct 6, 2006, 4 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures