is there a link to normura's interview?
i use it often especially magnega, thundaga, and cure
it is good to use magnega and thundaga
That is cool i like pointy things too (poke, poke, stab, stab) ha ha ha... I think... so what else would you guys do? kill themm alll with guns and weapons.....
yea but how do you max out you strength, defence, and magic?
how do you get that? i am level 99 and i am not anywhere close to that
my second most annoying boss is Xigbar
i liked the 1000 heartless war the best
my most annoying battle was with Xaldin in Beast's Castle
what weapons would some of you use?
go to places where you can put multiple posters up and it also helps if you have aerial dodge and glide maxed to lvl 3
I think they should add the island of neverland, pixar worlds as above/\ , fox and the hound, jungle book, and also too much more to remember
I think riku does have a nobody because he gave in to the darkness and in a way became a heartless
I think i would give in to the darkness and use it for good like riku or axel(kinda)
you can find the recipe in the basement of twilight town
Hit heartless with a lot of hp to level up valor, go to the tower in twilight town to level up final, and your summon levels up when the drive bar goes down
yea pretty much what he said on the regular one has attack,magic,items,drive and the second is attack,summon,party,limit just press left anywhere to change them
it is easier to beat him if you have trinity limit and ultima weapon and berserk charge, use trinity then attack with berserk until you have mp again and then repeat
Go to the tower in twilight town go up the stairs and use magnega to kill the nobodies fast and when you get to the top use the save spot to exit the world and go to the beginning of the tower again
after you beat the first clones use knocksmash and atack him in the air