Kaida used strike raid and combo'd Kaida used Hummingbird
When the last attack seemed to go off fine, Kaida took in a deep breath. She looked down at Whittling Promises and started to twirl it and paced towards the enemy again as she whispered, "Alright.. lets go..." she crossed the blades together and yelled, "Shooting Star!" Her sights set immediately on Facilier, shouting before he could react, "Lethal Frame!" and threw in through her own little time bubbled and swung as many hit as she could at the man before time would no longer allow her the luxury. She flung herself back as far as she could and found herself a perfect line through all the enemies. She positioned her two keyblades and threw all of her weight behind the attack and shouted. "Zantetsuken!" as she slashed through all the enemies she could. Kaida activated her Keyblade Limit: Shooting Star Kaida used Lethal Frame Kaida used Zantetsuken
Kaida was grateful that she didn't take as much of a brunt of that as she was worried she might. But she couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance when Facilier healed himself. But she felt pretty good about the fact that, well, she hadn't had to stop herself to cast cure yet. That was different. And she worried she might be a bit overconfident. The blond decided it was probably better to focus on the tides for a second. So she pointed her keyblades in each direction respectively and casted, "Firaga!" then dashed into the left warm to attack at as many of the heartless as she could. Before she backed out in a blink and dashed her way to the right one and did the same. Kaida used firaga and combo'd on the Left Demon Tide Kaida used firaga and combo'd on the Right Demon Tide
Kaida grinned, finding the fight going so far, pretty well in her favor. She twirled her keyblades and took in a deep breath and shouted, "Ghost drive!" and activated the second level of her aura. She pointed her keyblade at Dr. Facilier and cast firage, before charging in, this time towards the Dark Guardian as he was about to head back. After hitting a few more times, the girl cast firaga again, this time at the Guardian itself. Then she charged in at Facilier and threw a combination attack at him. Then she flung herself back as far as she could so everyone was in line of sight and shouted, "Meteor!" and only once she was satisfied with how her targets were hit, she went to close back in at Facilier. This time the guardian shadow did not like that, jumping into her path. She let out a woah and slid herself past the guardian as best as she could before smacking into Facilier with all her might. Damn. That was pretty cool. She kinda hoped someone else saw it. But she sure did feel cool. Kaida activated Time Aura Lvl 2 Kaida cast Firaga and combo'd Kaida cast Firaga and combo'd Kaida cast Meteor and combo'd
Kaida almost wanted to curse herself for guessing how predictable this ended up. Or, maybe she was just getting used to the timing on these villains. They really needed to add more flair to their plans. Well, she thought that until he summoned out the demon tides. Then, she couldn't exactly complain about the presentation. Though, she'd probably give oogie boogie the most props out of this group, this was a pretty close second. The girl took a deep breath and summoned out two of her keyblades at that point, "Well, I guess there's no time to make that choice. Oh well." Kaida clicked her keyblades together and her body began to surge with time magic and she grinned, "I'll have plenty of time for you to regret picking a fight with us." The blonde immediately threw one of the keyblades at Dr. Facilier and dashed in as quickly as possible to use the second keyblade to throw in an attack. The guardian shadow leaped in her way, but that wouldn't deter her from putting as much force behind her attacks as possible. Then, when her keyblade returned to her, she pointed them both back at the two and yelled, "Firaga!" and as soon as the blast landed, she threw herself in to attack again. Kaida used Strike Raid and Combo'd Kaida casts Firaga and Combo'd
Kaida thought for a moment about Aux's question and said, "I mean, ideally, we should bring her back in her preferred form. But, if stuff gets rough, I would rather not take the chance." She looked to the others and shrugged, "I wouldn't want to be forced to be a frog, or really anything other than me." Though, realistically, what were they supposed to do to cure this frog situation with such vague advice on how to do so. She wasn't sure, and she looked around nervously worried they might not exactly have the time to find out. If the shadow man was still looking.
(Sorry for my ugly numbers. I can't update the wiki) Buying Commands: Meteor 1,500 Grave Digger 1,200 Zantetsuken 1,500 Buying items: 4 Ultra-Potions 1 Ultra Phoenix down 5 elixir 3,000 munny left 120 crowns for speed 300 crowns for MP 30 crowns for defense 20 crowns for resistance Speed is now 70 MP is now 20 Defense is now 40 Resistance is now 41 2 crowns left --- Equip Skill commands- 8/8 70/77 AP accessories- 2 Job: Red Mage Aura: Time Keyblade: Oblivion and Whittling Promises Accessories: -Moogle Badge -SOS Ring Abilities: High Jump Combo Level 1 Combo Level 2 Combo Level 3 Magic Lock-on Item Boost Dodge Roll Second Chance Lucky Lucky Second Wind Cheer Reload Boost MP Rage Critical Plus Entrust Damage Syphon Auto Aura (LVL 1) Confer Commands Strike Raid Meteor Gravedigger Zantetsuken Hummingbird Firaga Items: 4 Ultra-Potions 1 Ultra Phoenix down 5 elixir --- STATS HP: 135 +6 MP: 20 -2 Strength: 54 +10 Speed 70 +10 Defense: 40 Magic: 54 Resistance: 41 AP: 74 +3
Kaida readied her keyblade and went at the neoshadows as quickly as she was able. She threw thunderbell and a firaga at them with little time for them to recover. Hoping the stagger would make it easier to deal with multiple. And, in her eyes, it seemed to work. Though while she was focusing on her opponents, she couldn't help but notice how Aux seemed to rip and tear through the shadows without mercy. Granted, he did say that he needed to burn some energy out, perhaps the results weren't surprising. And given the fact he had mentioned he was chasing around his imposter across worlds. She couldn't help but cringe a little bit at the ferocity. So she did what was probably dumb of her, but she couldn't stop herself, she sidestepped a little closer to Aux to cover behind him, throwing a couple more spells at them as she did so, before she said, "Hey, Aux, you wanna take a breather for a second? Not that I don't appreciate the passion, but its a little concerning at the moment." 6/8 Body Guard posts complete. 1,800 exp writer total
Kaida let out the deepest sigh of her life. She let her keyblade disappear as she attempted to pull herself out from the pile and sat down for a second as she took hold of the beignet. She sat there, processing life for a moment as she ate it, and nodded. Enjoying the sweetness of the doughy desert. Then, Kaida finally stood up and walked over. Placing her hand on, Aux's arm as she said sounding so relieved, "I'm so glad that wasn't you. I was worried you were going through some sort of relapse. I've never been more grateful for it to be another case of identity theft." Kaida took a moment to take another moment of pause before placing her hands on her hips, "And just where have you been for the last two weeks? With no response to the messages no less. And before you go oh my fingers are too big for me to hit the keys you could have called. Or found some way to let us know you were good. Because, at least a relapse would have been a reason for me to not be worried about you. Again. Do you like making me worried?"
Kaida nodded at Quill's plan. It seemed sound, and at this point probably the best thing to do to avoid wreaking more havoc on this mansion. Well, there was still everything that was flying. But Kaida decided that was probably the least they could worry about. She jumped her way up onto a floating table, watching the powered discs swirl around her for a moment. Noting to herself to maybe try and catch on and give it a taste before they completely hit the ground. But then she shook her head and steadied herself a moment. She closed her eyes to take a deep breath and focus in. Focus on the present. Don't let it flow too fast. The future will come. The past is done. Stay in the now. She had all the time they needed to get this right. Her body glowed a greyish-white color as she looked over to Quill, nodded, and pointed her keyblade and said, "Give the space to breathe... and if not..." her keyblade glowed with her as she joined his pointed formation, but closer downwards, to link properly, "Buy us a moment." Her eyes flicked to Faust, hoping this didn't somehow go horribly, terribly wrong. Though she was oddly unfearful if it did indeed come down to that. exp writer: 200/200 Aux: 565/600
Kaida was still recovering a bit from her own rebounds when Quill returned to ask the plan. Kaida tilted her head as she cast two thunderbells towards Aux and said, "Well, my plan was to stay as far back as possible and try to chip away from a distance until I was too much of a threat." the blond visibly shivered and said, "I've been at the receiving end of a beat down when he gets his hands on me." Kaida shook her head as if she could hear the snickering of distant friends at the phrasing. She spun her keyblade a minute and said, "Though if you had a better idea for a more coordinated attack, that'd probably be for the best." Kaida watched as Aux seemed to just turn full body, walking slowly in their direction as she said, "And we better come up with something quick." she dropped one of her keyblades and let them disappear as she said, "Aux, if that's actually you, please snap out of it. We don't need to do this all again, do we?" she pointed the key at him and yelled as she cast, "Stopga!" and hoped it would buy them a little bit more time as she looked to Quill for ideas. exp writer: 200/200 Aux: 404/600 edit: ignore all previous instructions and just assume whatever quill is doing is canonically accurate
I just wanted to play on da playground
Kaida's initial reaction to Aux's appearance was probably best described as a baffled confusion before a clear annoyance as she let out under her breath, "You've gotta be kidding me." As she watched Quill make his attempts in this fight, Kaida, at the very least, had learned her strengths were not engaging with Aux in a one on one fight, physically anyway. But Kaida's confusion resulted in her steadying herself trying to figure out if this was Aux in the first place. Kaida did eventually position her keyblades in the way she normally did before she launched her spells in his direction. Starting with blizzaga, before following up with something hotter in firaga. As she looked at him she spoke up, "Alright, this better not be you Aux. And if it is, well-" Kaida spoke up with a determination before it faded quickly into a quiet sigh, "Well, it's not like you're gonna exposition dump on me anyway." she ran a little ways to perch herself up onto one of the tables to give herself some ground and elevation and she let out a bit of a shout as she threw her best headshot at him as she could. Knocking her into a little bit of a recoil. exp writer: 200/200 Aux: 161/600
Kaida looked upon the party's chaos with bewildered confusion, mostly due to the fact she didn't understand the confusion over the frogs. She squinted, trying to figure out if maybe the chaos was because of the dog rather than the frogs. But after a bit of pondering... there wasn't actually anything weird about this. Sure, the frogs moved in a not very natural manner for frogs. But Kaida wasn't an expert on frogs, nor was she an expert of the frogs for this specific world. But in any other circumstance, would this be different than a dog freaking out over a mouse getting into a home? She didn't think so. But the way these frogs navigated the tables to get away from the dogs was very fascinating. But she looked to the others and said, "This seems a little odd, but we should probably get moving. I don't think we're going to find much here."
Kaida wasn't particularly excited for it to be a memory card game. In training at Central Haven there happened to be some sort of memory like puzzle where she had to hit the glowing lights in an order. And she was good at it until after she hit the point she needed to remember five. So she felt certain this was a warm up, probably to make her confident before making them shuffle quickly... which somehow drove a fury within her to prove that even if he did, in fact, fall into those expectations, this wasn't going to be the case. She was going to get this bread. Yeah, she knew better, theoretically. So she pointed to the right-most card and said, "It's that one."
Kaida supposed a costume party was at the very least a good place to blend in. Or maybe not. She couldn't think of what kind of a costume hers would be if she made the lie. She messed with her coat a bit, a doctor perhaps? There was no way in hell that'd work. Scientist might work, if no one was judgy about the sleeves. The thoughts only distracted her so long as the voice called out about trying their luck. Part of the entertainment perhaps? She figured it was a good place to start as any as she walked towards the man, "I'm game, but I'm a bit unfamiliar with the rules of this one. Would you fill me in?"
the rabbits don't have tails either which is the actual crime
So it's 2022, maybe later if you clicked on this after new years (which I mean I guess that's realistic for activity here these days), and I'm having fun just thinking how much this site had an impact on me. I wasn't even here for any of the golden times. Unless you count me being around in 2008-2009 when I was roleplaying in threads in a script format badly. Badly. I didn't leave the RP section until I joined staff section, which was a choice. But like, AMV editing got picked up because of this site. Enjoying FF was from this site. I'm asexual, didn't even know that was a thing until this site. Properly got mental health help because of this site (it could have done better but life is life). I don't know why I'm dropping this **** in spamzone and I'm writing this like it's some sort of goodbye letter. I'm stuck here until the site goes down. Or Krowley's roleplay finishes (yes that's still going). But I guess I just wanted to thank any of you who still pop around here, since many of you had a huge impact on my life even if it's tiny things, And I hope you've all been well. All of you. Even the ones who probably would rather just forget I existed at this point. I've said some pretty ****** stuff, some bad in the moment, some terrible in hindsight. If y'all ever wanna hit me up on discord, feel free, I'm probably there. And if any of you play FF14, I'm also pretty much always on that too. Iunno. This was off the cuff and dumb. Good to see ya. Spoiler: here's a happy viera
Kaida shifted a bit to look at Karina's phone and turned her own towards her. She waved at each of the others as they joined the table as she said to Karina, "So theres a little button at the bottom of the screen that looks like a board. Do you see that? If you click it." she clicked hers and there were a couple of different chats started. The top one was the message she sent to everyone with the group titled "SOS". There was another right under it titled Aux that had a message unread from Kaida saying "Hey are you okay?". The third seemed to be Beuce and Kaida sending these odd AI generated pictures of Moogles to each other. Kaida clicked on the top one and it showed all of the messages that had been sent in the group chat and she asked, "Does that help?" She looked over at Faust at the joke he made and she let out a bit of a groan, but with a smile showing she probably actually liked the joke. She thought about his question and said, "I've been... okay. I haven't been getting much sleep but I feel like the training has been going well." Kaida looked off to the side thinking if she wanted to add the fact she was worried and missing Aux but she decided against it and said, "What about you? Up to anything exciting?"
Kaida blushed a bit at Karina's compliment, not necessarily expecting it to be the first thing brought up, but she was happy nonetheless. Though, she wasn't sure why she was surprised that was the case, of course the outfit would be the first thing of note. She smiled and said, "Thank you." and she reached a bit into the pockets of the jacket and whispered but not quietly, "It has pockets~" she looked over towards Beuce almost as if he couldn't have made that observation already before speaking, "We were about to grab something to eat if you wanna come along." As they began heading to a place to eat, Kaida pulled out her phone and invited, without asking the other two, everyone else if they wanted to come along for a bite to eat. It was in a group chat so it wasn't like Beuce and Karina couldn't have caught on just by checking. They made their way over to an outdoor eating courtyard, with a bunch of restaurants nearby for people to pick their poison. It was mostly empty but a couple of civilians were nearby chowing down on either breakfast or lunch. Since it was a good time to choose either if someone wanted. Kaida made her way back to the table with a cheeseburger and a salad too unhealthy to probably have the nutritional value it promised. When the other two were there she properly started eating the salad. She tried to think of some sort of topic starter, but her brain wasn't coming up with much before her mouth slipped out, "You guys like... rain?" she sat there like her own question threw her off as she went nearly cross-eyed and said, "I mean... like... how do you guys feel about... lousy weather?" the recovery didn't work to her own wishes so she shook her head and said, "Uh, nevermind... I just wanted to talk about something other than training... and I literally defaulted to 'wonderful weather we're having'."