Die Zombie!
maverick IS overrated. i went there last year, waited about and hour and a half in line for that, and it was disappointing
lol josh more so than me. i ride absolutly everything no problem but the dragster. and this time was the first time i rode the millenium force, so...
i agree. god i'm sorry i take so long to respond. i got a new computer and i don't have khvids in my shortcuts list for whatever reason so when...
lol aw that sucks. i'm suprised at that. as much as microsoft likes to keep xbox and windows/zune together, it's weird that they'd deny you using...
i did! i'm mike52091 if you didn't know who that was lol. hey you changed your name back
lol thanks man
lol uh oh. can you still buy them?
yeah it's gonna be amazing. god i'm sorry for not returning your messages sooner. every time i come here i forget to check
lol wow i just got that message today
lol yeam me neither. i don't think i'd go through the trouble of pre-ordering for cards
hey not much. what's up with you
haha i sure do. you said happy birthday to me :D
i think i need to change my pants after watching those. is 358/2 going to have actual cutscenes with vioce acting?
lol hi to you too! :)
it's true that they're winning and everyone knows it. but nintendo is forgetting hardcore gamers. not every game has to have some gay motion contol in it. they make they're games so "family-friendly" now that most of them suck. sometime nintendo has to realize that they need to remember that there are people out t here who want to play good games
lmao those were 2 of the funniest times ever. and i choked on a cupcake like 2 years in a row lol
lol and it very well could have been
lol i know it was set to linkin park's song "in the end". he knew we'd make fun of him
random visitor message right back at you! heeehoooleelullz