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  1. DeathStar
    Hmm... maybe that thing he was in was like the cotdalydens (SP?) of a plant. It like fed him until he could survive on his own.

    I'm more suprised he didn't pee himself. XD
    Post by: DeathStar, May 29, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. DeathStar
    I think Riku just likes them. :) I mean when it shows him as a kid he had wristbands or something like that right?

    Once upon a time time there were TWO of those brace thingys and Riku was walking around in one od those dark portals an triped! Oh, my... any way, his other brace/wrist band fell of and a Dusk came out of no where and ate it! =)

    And that is why Riku only has one wrist thingy. ; )
    Post by: DeathStar, May 29, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. DeathStar
    *throws an octopus in your face* MWHAAAAAAAHHHHHHAAAAA!!!!!!! :3
    Post by: DeathStar, Nov 25, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. DeathStar
    I feel more comfortable about talking on people on the net. Maybe cause you really cant judge them on appearance or anything like that. Im pretty much the same as i am in real life, just more... 'open'.
    Post by: DeathStar, Nov 25, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. DeathStar
    When I first saw him I thought 'You're joking... I'm playin as a 7 year old!?!' How can he be 14!?! And when I first saw him in KH2 I was like OMG!?! NOW he looks 14!! And his voice was really different but he still acted 7..... @_@ Roxas on the other hand looks about 16. It makes no sense! >.<
    Post by: DeathStar, Nov 20, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  6. DeathStar
    I really hate HSM and Hanna Montana! That girl scares the S*** out of me! I mean I went tpo the store one day and her face was on a pair of UNDERWEAR! Who wants her on their underwaer!?!

    I also hate all those 'new classic' moives. Where they take all those good classic moives and then make a sucky sequel like "Lady in the Tramp 2" and that Cinderala junk. >.<
    Post by: DeathStar, Nov 19, 2008 in forum: Disney Galaxy