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  1. RayneWolvesbane
    Rachel smiled at the reaction of the jumpy boy, his ashtonishment making her laugh. The boy with the deep voice smiled as well. Could it have been the moment wehre both voices met with a clarity in each other's distintive tomber? She smiled broadly to herself, memorizing each of the men's voices. She took in their characteristics, the frightened boy's hesitation with each syllable and the low rumble of the second man's voice. She steped on the table and put her foot on a chair that was fighting with her. She took a seat on it, the chair sinking under her foot just far enough so that she could sit on it. 'Knock it off.' She told it in her head, the chair reluctantly receeded to the floor. She looked up at the voice of the teacher and smirked, laughing inwardly. It didn't scare her, in fact, from previous rumors, it seemed quite normal. She looked up to the cat, raising an eyebrow when he turned into a human. 'Well, I should have expected that...' She told herself, listening closely to his voice, slightly melodic. She smiled and looked away from them, feeling as if she was beginning to stare.
    Post by: RayneWolvesbane, May 3, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. RayneWolvesbane
  3. RayneWolvesbane
  4. RayneWolvesbane
  5. RayneWolvesbane
    Rachel felt the motor of her Honda ST1300 shudder to a stop underneath her, pulling the keys out of the ignition. She grabbed her two bags, and swung her leg over the side, standing up while slinging a bag over her shoulder. She leaned over her bike and put a lock onto the bike making sure that her bike was stable. She took off her helmet and ran a hand through her curly hair. She hung the helmet on the handle bars and turned to face the school. She was late, really late. She sighed and walked through the school to the large doors of the school. She weaved her way to her dorm, fumbled with the door key and tossed her stuff onto the bed, not even taking the time to enter into the room. She fumbled with her schedule and skimmed it quickly. “Magic Class?…. Where is that?†She asked herself, beginning to feel her head spin. ‘Great, late and lost…’ She pulled of the map and searched, finally finding the class room. She began running to the classroom, her footsteps echoed through the empty hall way. She walked past the scene where many students and teachers had gathered and even though it sparked her interest, she shook off her desire to investigate. She finally found the classroom and walked in, her eyes assessing the absent teacher and floating things made her sigh out, a slight relief filled her body. “Great, all of that worry for nothing.†She didn’t take any notice of anyone in the room right away, but her eyes looked onto a rather jumpy kid and a rather large kid sitting on a chair that looked rather reluctant to be still. “Hello…â€
    Post by: RayneWolvesbane, Apr 30, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. RayneWolvesbane
    Hey, that friend was me. :3 Lol Woot! xD We sound... alright.... I just don't like my Nani. XD
    Post by: RayneWolvesbane, Apr 28, 2011 in forum: Production Studio
  7. RayneWolvesbane
    Puppeteer: {RayneWolvesbane}
    Name: {Rachel}
    Former Self: {Red Riding Hood}
    Gender: {Female}
    Age: {17}
    Race: {Human}
    Student/Teacher/Staff: {Student}
    Personality: {Friendly, a bit on the push over side, but she has a bite. She doesn't take well to people using her, but she's up for anything. She is tired of people saying she gets distracted easily and telling her that she'll never be good enough. She doesn't take kindly to snide people and is usually fun to be around. She is a bit more curious that she should be and likes to explore. Sometimes, that gets her into trouble....}
    Picture I.D.: {}
    Brief History: {At a young age, her father forced her to use the only ‘real’ talent she had. Singing was her life, day in and day out her father made her sing for hours, making her perform for people everywhere. She lost all of her world, every good thing taken away from her, but her mother saw this pain in her daughter. She fought and fought Rachel’s father many of times until they divorced. Before her father took custody of her and continued his money making scheme, her mother gave her a red dress, saying that it belonged to her grandmother. Then she left her. When her father met a blonde bimbo to replace his ‘selfish’ ex, Rachel did everything in her power to get sent away. So she came up with an idea to get rid of the awful woman. It didn’t work. She ended up destroying their winter cabin and was thrown out, despite her father’s pleads to keep his money maker. But the woman refused, sending her to the place where ‘freaks’ ruled. Grimm’s academy… }
    Likes: {Music and Singing, despite her father’s horrid behavior, the Piano, the woods, talking to people and is absolutely in love with strawberries.}
    Dislikes: {Frilly Pink Dresses, the Heat, falling, Bring Pressured, and has a strange hatred of Doughnuts. }
    Weapon of Choice: {Small contraption that she built herself for hunting small game that fires small darts.}
    Magic Abilities: {Lightning Darts: When she needs it, the little contraption that she uses for hunting doubles as a channel for lightning dart.
    Healing Cast: A small amount of healing for minor cuts and bruises.
    Keen Sight: She has a very handy ability to sense and track, seeing things that many people look over.
    Mimic: She can copy anyone’s voice. Anyone’s. It doesn’t matter who. She can hear it once and bam, she has it down. She uses this one more for mischief….}
    Theme Song: { ((Change it to a girl saying this and you’re good. ^^))}
    Other: {Ok, she never goes into detail why, but she loves to hunt and mimic bird calls. While she never felt good enough for her father, she isn’t a quiet hidden in the shell person put out to be. }

    Baa Baa Black Sheep and Dorm 2 Please.
    Post by: RayneWolvesbane, Apr 28, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. RayneWolvesbane
    Profile Post


    Status Update by RayneWolvesbane, Apr 24, 2011
  9. RayneWolvesbane
    Status Update by RayneWolvesbane, Apr 24, 2011
  10. RayneWolvesbane
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    Status Update by RayneWolvesbane, Apr 24, 2011
  11. RayneWolvesbane
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    Status Update by RayneWolvesbane, Apr 24, 2011
  12. RayneWolvesbane
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    Status Update by RayneWolvesbane, Apr 24, 2011
  13. RayneWolvesbane
    Status Update by RayneWolvesbane, Apr 24, 2011
  14. RayneWolvesbane
    Profile Post

    Hee HEee Heehehehehehe

    Hee HEee Heehehehehehe
    Status Update by RayneWolvesbane, Apr 24, 2011
  15. RayneWolvesbane
    Profile Post

    Bree Squee Hee

    Bree Squee Hee
    Status Update by RayneWolvesbane, Apr 24, 2011
  16. RayneWolvesbane
    Profile Post

    Blahhhhhh!! xDD

    Blahhhhhh!! xDD
    Status Update by RayneWolvesbane, Apr 24, 2011
  17. RayneWolvesbane
    Profile Post

    Bree! I'm back

    Bree! I'm back
    Status Update by RayneWolvesbane, Apr 24, 2011
  18. RayneWolvesbane
    My Master Is: {RayneWolvesbane}
    My Name Is: {Alexandra Von Relon}
    But Tepiniz Calls Me: {Alexi}
    I Am a: {Porcelain Doll}
    I Am: {Not Cursed}
    I Appear To Be: {17}
    Everyone Says I Am: {Wacky, diligent, and determined.}
    This Is My Story: {Born in summer of 1949, the year of discoveries, and to a family whop loved her very much. She had found a romance between Tristan Normina. They grew very close until that very moment that Ronald snapped. She, along with the other children, was forced into the cedar chest. She helped Tristan return most of his siblings, but she stayed with him. Vowing to save the toys that are left behind. She joined the morning star at the very beginning and she has been traveling to the life force tree and saves the destroyed toys. At the moment, she is in Merry Town, recruiting and waiting to find the news about Tristan.}
    I Looked Like This: {Alexandra}
    My Weapon of Choice: {A bow and arrows, given to her by a toy Indian that she couldn’t save.}
    My Special Ability Is: {Mending and heal}
    Extra Tibits About Me: {Second member of the Morning Star and has had a crush on Tristan since the beginning. She keeps a journal of everyone she meets, their toy name, their real name, and the type of toy they are, so those who forgot could be helped along the way. }
    The Song of My Life: {The Voice~ Chloe: Celtic Women, Passacalia~ Secret Garden }

    My Master Is: {RayneWolvesbane}
    My Name Is: {Reyna Fitzgerald}
    But Tepiniz Calls Me: { Gallo }
    I Am a: {Rag Doll}
    I am: {Not Cursed}
    I Appear To Be: {16}
    Everyone Says {I Am: Sweet, caring, and outgoing.}
    This Is My Story: {She has spent her years with Jamie and James and loves them dearly more than her abusive family. She has cared for them for so long. She never liked to be with out her dear friends and she would always follow their example, getting into a bad situation because of it. Who could resist following them into the cedar chest?}
    I Looked Like This: {Reyna}
    My Weapon of Choice: {a small noose that she holds around her neck.}
    My Special Ability Is: {Frost Bite.}
    Extra Tibits about Me: {The noose symbolizes the torment she felt inside her own home and her frown will forever show her feelings that she hid.}
    The Song of My Life: {Concrete Angel ~ Martina McBride }

    My Master Is:{RayneWolvesbane}
    My Name Is: {Michelle Steele}
    But Tepiniz Calls Me: {Flicker}
    I Am a: [Porcelain Doll}
    I Am: {Cursed}
    I Appear To Be: {13}
    Everyone Says I Am: {evil, demonic, insane, and harsh}.
    This Is My Story: {Trapped in Tepiniz for barely three years and driven insane from losing her memories, Flicker commits deeds for the head marionette that some would shudder to do. She doesn’t care about anything and talks to herself to pass the time. She hangs around the Stygian Forest to catch any fools who dare enter the forest and think they can escape. She was dared to go into the world barely a month after the desertion of the household and been in there ever since. }
    I Looked Like This: { Michelle} –brunette-
    My Weapon of Choice: {A whip of chains.}
    My Special Ability Is: {Violet Cherry Blossom Dance and dark sphere.}
    Extra Tibits About Me: {N/A}
    The Song of My Life:{ SlipKnoT ~ Vermillion Part 1}

    My Master Is: {RayneWolvesbane}
    My Name Is: { Sorren}
    But Tepiniz Calls Me: {Harlem}
    I Am A: {Marionette}
    I Am: {Not Cursed}
    I Appear To Be: {17}
    Everyone Says I Am: {Quiet, cynical at times, thoughtful and collective.}
    This is My Story: {He lost his parents at a young age, never learning his heritage. Fostered and past on like an old toy, he was sent to an old town when a legend took hold of all the children in the town. He went to school there and became the outcast. Alone. He then met Christine and he liked her from the moment they met. They didn’t get to know each other well enough though, hindered by both of their shy personalities. He was dared, along with a few other people, to enter the house and to stay in that cedar chest for a full minute. He had to prove himself to Chris. Even if that meant to enter the abandoned house.
    I Looked Like This: Sorren
    My Weapon of Choice:{ toy sword}
    My Special Ability Is: {Torrent.}
    Extra Tibits About Me: {Has a crush on Chris.}
    The Song of My Life: {My Obsession~ Skillet}
    Post by: RayneWolvesbane, Aug 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. RayneWolvesbane
    Well, maybe that freind doesn't hold a grude but was being insulted and that friend won't turn her against you. You said some things that hurt 'the other friend.' She got mad and retaliated. She would never try to make the other friend hurt. But what you said really hurt her. You got made at her for telling you things you didn't want to hear. They weren't nice, but she wasn't tring to be cruel. Some accuasations should be said. She said some and you said some. She never hated you but she realized that maybe you were only her friend to get to the other. It hurt her more than you know. She doesn't admit it but that was one of the reasons she was set off. She was hurt and angry and she pushed them away. She was just trying to protect her friend. Hurting herself in the end. She would never come between you, respecting her friend to much. It hurts to think that, but people don't realize what they say when they are angry. I wish you the best of luck with the friend you hurt. The other friend forgave you. I did. The friend isn't just going to be used as someone who was never just another friend. She was the communicator, and thats all. She won't do it anymore.
    Post by: RayneWolvesbane, Jun 29, 2009 in forum: Help with Life
  20. RayneWolvesbane
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    Status Update by RayneWolvesbane, May 16, 2009