Yes, why do you ask (Ignore this if it wasn't directed at me)?
I only have one account ( in case you wanted to know).
Google, and GameFAQs can help you out immensely. I'd tell you what I know but you already know more then I do. (Trying to keep everything a surprise for me.)
They made a sequel? Could I get the name of it (Assuming it's not called Holes 2)
I liked it as a kid, but now I just find the whole movie to be stupid.
I read this book in 3rd grade, one of my favorite books, and then I read it again in 5th grade for school. I was one of the only students to actually like it.
30 You don't fail
Or am I thinking of 000000 (Either white or black)
Apparently I'm a Narutard. None of these really fit me, but Narutard's the closest. /Wrists I've become the one thing I never wanted to be.
Who's RvR?
9 for me, hopefully it isn't such a button masher like Crisis Core was. ...Who am I kidding, it's Kingdom Hearts, of course it'll be a button masher.
I prefer my apple cider cold.
I posted the browser but forgot to post my OS? :bangbang::stupid: I'm using Windows XP SP3. No, just a bunch of boxes with numbers inside them.
I always thought of you as a girl, so when I saw this message I was like
I'm using the newest version of Firefox, and I already tried Google but I got nothing but a virus.
Avatar: 60% Signature: 90% (How do you do that?)
Sorry for the mistake, what I meant was it doesn't look like a game where the storyline is a big focus so I wasn't really interested in the story and wouldn't really care about story spoilers. I've already decided that as soon as I get an Xbox 360 I would play it.
Go ahead and spoil it for me, Portal doesn't seem like a game I'd play for the story anyways.
No, you shouldn't, just keep on killing Heartless on the 13th floor, It's never taken me more then 2 hours of killing to get it if I stay on the top floor.