Man this really sucks. Lost is one of my favorite shows but I'm starting to lose interest. I mean you know something's wrong when a Locke episode is just average. They cut so many of the scens out of the episode tonight, scenes that could've made the episode better (Although I don't know if everyone could come back from the really lame Polar bear angle) next week's we may get some good stuff with Sawyer being tortued, but still. I'm so hoping the show gets into gear after the 6th episode cliffhanger. Oh and Desmond telling the future now????
Toy Story (Kind of a Disney film) The lion king, Aladdin, and the jungle book
Dogs by Pink Floyd You gotta be crazy, you gotta have a real need. You gotta sleep on your toes, and when you're on the street, You gotta be able to pick out the easy meat with your eyes closed. And then moving in silently, down wind and out of sight, You gotta strike when the moment is right without thinking. And after a while, you can work on points for style. Like the club tie, and the firm handshake, A certain look in the eye and an easy smile. You have to be trusted by the people that you lie to, So that when they turn their backs on you, You'll get the chance to put the knife in. You gotta keep one eye looking over your shoulder. You know it's going to get harder, and harder, and harder as you get older. And in the end you'll pack up and fly down south, Hide your head in the sand, Just another sad old man, All alone and dying of cancer. And when you loose control, you'll reap the harvest you have sown. And as the fear grows, the bad blood slows and turns to stone. And it's too late to lose the weight you used to need to throw around. So have a good drown, as you go down, all alone, Dragged down by the stone. I gotta admit that I'm a little bit confused. Sometimes it seems to me as if I'm just being used. Gotta stay awake, gotta try and shake off this creeping malaise. If I don't stand my own ground, how can I find my way out of this maze? Deaf, dumb, and blind, you just keep on pretending That everyone's expendable and no-one has a real friend. And it seems to you the thing to do would be to isolate the winner And everything's done under the sun, And you believe at heart, everyone's a killer. Who was born in a house full of pain. Who was trained not to spit in the fan. Who was told what to do by the man. Who was broken by trained personnel. Who was fitted with collar and chain. Who was given a pat on the back. Who was breaking away from the pack. Who was only a stranger at home. Who was ground down in the end. Who was found dead on the phone. Who was dragged down by the stone
I found them to be a lot more useful in KHII especially with the action commands.
Well if Zach wasn't leaving, ABC has been very interested in taking the show on. I like it better when it starts in January. 2 episodes a night with no repeats. The creators are still pondering continuing the show with out Zach and make Elliot the main character but I still think they're just going to end it.
Well we met a new other Colleen, who is connected to Pickett in some way. Pickett put Sawyer and Kate to work crushing stones. Kate met Alex who was secretly hiding from the others. Alex asked her if she saw a kid named Carl in a cage but Kate didn't see anyone. Alex said he doesn't deserve to be in the cage and also told Kate the dress she is wearing was hers, but she could keep it. When Colleen told Ben about the boat Sayid, Jin, and Sun where on he seemed really suprised and told her to get a team together and get the boat. When Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Michael, and Hurley don't show up Jin wants to return to camp to take care of Sun, but she agrees with Sayid to find them. Jin seems very angrey that his wife disagreed with him in front of Sayid. Pickett warns Sawyer and Kate that if they don't do their job they'll get stunned. Sawyer kisses Kate and Pickett goes to shcok him but Sawyer takes a few of the others out and grabs their weapons but Jliet takes Kate hostage and Sawyer is forced to give up. Sayid, Jin, and Sun arrive at the dock that Jack, Kate, and Sawyer were taken from last season. Sayid tells Sun he's going to build a fire so Jack can find them but then tells Sun he knows they've been taking and he's going to lead the others into a trap. He tells Sun to lie to Jin but to their suprise, Jin can understand them since he knows English better then they expected. At nightfall, Jin and Sayid are waiting in the jungle while Sun is in the boat. The others attack the boat. Colleen meets with Sun and Sun warns her to get off or she;ll shoot. Colleen thinks she bluffing but all the sudden Sun shoots her in the stomach. She gets on top of the boat where Tom/Mr. Friendly/Zeke sees her and shoots towards her causing her to fall off the boat. and they take off. Jin and Sayid are engaged in a cross fire shooting until Jin goes out to sea to save his wife. Sayid tells Sun that he won't argue with her husband again and they are going back. Ben comes to Jack at the end with a TV monitor. He tells Jack his name is Ben Lyus and he's been on the island his whole life. He tells Jack that in the time he's crashed George Bush has been relected and the red sox won the series. Jack laughs at this but Ben shows him on the TV of the Red Sox winning. Jack is stunned. Ben tells him that if he helps one of the injured others, they will give him a boat and he can sail home. Jack refuses and Ben leaves. The flashback was of Sun/Jin. When Sun is a child she accidentally breaks a glass ballerina and blames it on the maid. We see her in bed with baldy, her english teacher when her father walks into his room to see her. He tells Jin the man has disgraced him and he must kill the man. Jin doesn't want to but because they are a family, he must. Insted he doesn't kill him but tells the man to leave the country. When Jin gets in his car the man jumps off (Did he jump or was he pushed?) the building and lands dead on Jin's car. Later, Sun asks her father if he is going to tell Jin and he tells her it's not his place to tell. Hope that helped. You can also go to and watch the episode for free with like 3 advertisments.
Oh sorry, but you just reminded me of these people who jump into Season 2 or 3 and bash the show. Lost is notorious for starting out slow. I mean it's taking 3 episodes to tell the aftermath of the finale. What I mean is you can't judge a season on a few episodes. I mean I hates Season 2 because overall the season didn't do it for me, but in retrospect there were a lot of episodes in Season 2 that I found superior to the first season. And we should have some good episodes coming up with Locke, Sawyer, Eko, and Kate (but god do I hate Kate episodes) and then after the break I think we'll really start to see what the season is going to do.
I haven't played many FF games at all but I think this is my second favorite with FFX being my favorite. At first I didn't like the game at all because of the junction system and other things but after you get a bit into the game, the story really grows on you and becomes addictive. I think it was disliked because it was a love story game but still one of the best.
You can't judge a show by one episode. The premire anwsered a few questions and raised some new ones. Tonight's episode also told us a lot about Sun and Jin. If you haven't watched the show from the beginning it's going to be hard to appreciate the episodes and what they reveal about the island, others, and the surviors. Also, the 6 episodes are LEADING to something so it's going to be building up and then after the 6th episode the season will really begin. Oh and I'd love for someone to find a show on right now that's better then Lost. I've been watching and I can't find one since Prison break and 24 aren't on right now.
Yeah I love the show, been watching since it premired. I loved the premire. The first five minutes was worth it in itself. I acutally enjoyed a Jack episode and Matthew Fox owned that episode, a great performance. This is setting up what the others are going to do. If you don't know, the wirters are planning on using the 6 episode arc to make Jack question if the others are bad and he's going to slowley turn to them. That's why the episode was important.
I love Scrubs, one of my favorite comedies. I've got all 3 seasons and I'm gonna get season 4 soon. I'm a little sad though because Zach Braff is leaving the show after the 6th season so it'll most likley be the last. It's such a shame this show doesn't get the credit it deserves.
A few things: There wasn't enough Axel The Roxas intro was way too long Would've liked to play Roxas in an acutal world Never liked that Riku basically dissapears for the entire game (Yes I know he's in it but not acutally Riku, but never really liked it) Sora and Kairi didn't kiss Leon's voice was a big step down from KH1 The voice actor they got did a great job, but I still would've loved to have Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow even though there's no money for it. Atlantica had really no purpose at all and I could do without that and the return of Ooogie Boogie A lot of questions were unanwsered like what happened to Cloud and Sepiroth? What happened to Maleficent and Pete? Hopefully this will be anwsered in the final mix or KH3 I really thought we could get more depth from the organaztion memebers. Again hopefiully this comes out in the final mix The battle with Xemnas that seemed like a big star wars rip off