OOC: Can I take Xion, Lexaeus, & OC? -{Light Blue}- My full name is {Estelle Blackwood}, But, I'd rather be called {Estelle}. If you do not know, I'm a {Female}. Also I am right now {Sixteen} years old... My birth is on {Winter 2nd} if it matters. I Act Like... {Soft spoken and Skittish, honestly Estelle is a quite gentle much like a rabbit you would see from afar. Estelle tries to act naive to people but shes sharp, which tends to be the feature that helps her escape most situations. Estelle is a bit of a liar about certain aspects, but its mostly because she doesn't want to go to a orphanage. Many times she beats herself up, blames herself often for what had happened to her parents.} In My Past... {Brought up in a loving and caring family, as a little girl she didn't think anything could touch her not even evil that lurks outside the village. Despite this she still feared to go outside the village, she would play at the edge of the village but outside was something she couldn't pull herself to do. One day while she was outside and playing, she stayed out rather late and her parents became worried and went to look for her. They went beyond the village to search for her, she however returned to her home and was confused where her parents had ended up. Going to bed and waking to find they still never returned, when she went to where she had once played was her parent's bodies. Since then, she has been living on her own on the street as people tried to take her from her old home. Many times shes found in dark alleys or in the park, commonly she tries to find odd jobs to do so she can eat but most the time she just digs in the bakery dumpsters.} I Like... [at least 2 things] ☺ Night Sky ☺ Spring ☺ Cats ☺ Hot meals ☺ Light Blue ☺ Kind people I Hate... [at least 2 things] ♦ Crying ♦ Losing somebody close to her ♦ Being picked on ♦ Really hot/cold days ♦ Dogs ♦ Police I Fear... • Blood • Orphanages
She looked to Grey and nodded, "It was a pleasure meeting you Jett, but I really should go. See you around" Manami said to him, she looked at the key blade a moment and then shut her eyes. She turned and begun to walk away cautiously, she really wondered what made today different? Other then the fact it was the last day of school, it drifted into her mind it could have been the last day of living! She shook her head, it was such a bad and harsh thought.
Already the guy was making her feel uneasy, but that was probably all in her head... Right? "Thank you for giving my camera back" Manami said to him, she smiled polity and snapped a shot of him. "My name is Manami, its a pleasure to meet you Jett" she said to him, although he gave her goose bumps... She wasn't about to tell him that, it would have been rude of her. "I'm sorry if I seem out of the loop, but you both have this knowledge of the key blade... I've never seen anything quite like it, is it a sort of new trend?" she asked curiously. It sounded stupid now, why the heck would a trend be a weapon which looks like a key? She looked at her camera a moment, then back up at them with a sheepish smile. OoC: I need to go, I'll hopefully be on after supper.
She reached a center of the town, slowly Ioxykku came to a stop and looked around. There was another Nobody close, it was a sense she always could pick up as she looked to Noxmet. He didn't seem to realize the presences, maybe he didn't care as much as she had? She stood quietly trying to sense where they were fully, she wanted to know their information on the war and if they were getting anywhere themselves. Of course, she also felt the presences of heartless and she took her fans from her hair. "You know how to fight?" Ioxykku asked Noxmet, he nodded a bit as his staff was summoned and heartless beginning to emerge from the ground. She spun her fans and dashed at them, gracefully cutting and making her way through them.
She turned back and saw Grey, looking at his hand as it summoned a sword? No, it couldn't have been a sword... It was a key! She looked up at him with curiosity, "Grey, whats that?" Manami asked him curiously. She never really saw a real weapon, only read them in stories or saw them in history books. Although this sword/key... Key Blade, was a tad different and something she had never seen or read in a text book. She bit her lower lip and backed a little bit, she then thought back to the man coming towards her... He said something about a 'Princess', she looked down a moment then back up at him. Who was he calling a Princess? She certainly wasn't anything of the sorts, living as a middle class girl on this island her whole life.
Standing there staring at the new companion, she wasn't truly sure what to make of it. She didn't truly want anyone with her, if she had she would have gotten a dog. She sighed as she entered the portal and appeared in another world, quickly followed by Noxmet. "I must ask Ioxykku, if were outcasts then why are you going some place with other people?" Noxmet asked, a slight groan exited Ioxykku's mouth. "Because where else can we go, either way I'm trying to find people like us" she tried to explain, although he raised a point in her logic. Why would she look in places shes not welcome? Wouldn't others steer clear of these sorts of places, "no, they wouldn't" she thought to herself continuing down the path. Looking around the place as they walked, Noxmet seemed to be more confused about himself then he had previously thought. Looking at Ioxykku, the only person he knew thus far... Although he had the feeling she didn't want to know him, of course she could just be coming off as cold as it was hard. In ways Noxmet remembered feelings, but yet he couldn't exactly explain or express them the right way. If the two were indeed the same, then she felt the way he felt which was confusion of why you were here. Wondering around she sighed, she wasn't find much in the sense of warriors or even casters for that matter. It was like the town was left defenseless, she looked to the ground disappointingly but then again she couldn't give up just yet. Taking a deep breath she looked up, as she continued her search which seemed very relentless.
Listening to the note, she nodded of course not before lifting her camera and snapping a quick shot of Grey. The turn of events was defiantly very strange, but it was no time for questions as she turned and begun to sprint. This wasn't her most known thing, running was difficult for her most the time. It was in her mind a way that things were made, you choose one thing and sacrifice another. But who was Grey exactly, she thought as she sprinted although when she looked behind her they were gone. Although she ended up slamming into another person, she fell back and looked at them and smiled sheepishly. "Hey... I'm sorry. I need to g-" Manami said to them, she looked at them and quickly identified the strange robe, it looked like the one that Koari's new friend wore. "I need to go" she said once again, she got back up and continued to sprint away. Although he was bumped into, he stood there watching the girls movements and lifted a eye brow. Where could she have been running from, his amber eyes quickly lifted to the direction she came. Slowly he begun to make his way there, he wasn't all that in a hurry as there was plenty of time at least from what he knew. He saw from a distance Demyx clowning around once more, he sighed to himself and knew he would help if he wished for his heart to return.
After snapping a picture she stood still, slowly she turned around to face another boy. It seemed like all sorts of new faces had appeared this year, she smiled to him warmly. "Hello" Manami said to him, standing there with her camera in hand but looking him over carefully. She didn't want to seem foolish asking him if he was new, although she had not seen him before but then again there was many people she had yet to meet... Right? "I'm Manami" she said politely to him, "whats your name?" she asked him as she caught her camera from slipping. Although she wondered if it mattered, after all shes dropped it in to the sand plenty of times and picked it up and it worked fine. Her eyes turned to the man jogging towards her, something was off about him and she stood there a moment and stepped back a bit. Something in her told her to run, but why should she run from somebody? He didn't seem all that bad, or was this a instinctive thing?
His eyes gazed on her then another direction, "May I have your name?" Noxmet asked her curiously. He already knew that she had uncertainty, but maybe she had more clues then he did for who she was. "Ioxykku, but that's not much importance then whats going on around us..." Ioxykku said to him, he nodded and sulked his head down. "There is a war going on, but yet nobody fights for our sake... Only for theirs, which is where we come in and fight for ourselves against this cruel world... Or worlds" she stated to him, he looked up at her curiously. "I'm being negative, anyways... Your the only other person I know, who is considerably a Nobody" Ioxykku said to him, he nodded slightly and closed his eyes. "A Nobody? So then, I'm a outcast just by one fact?" Noxmet asked and Ioxykku nodded to him, "yes, your a outcast" she said as she gave him a hand off the ground. Tapping her finger against her lips as she debated with herself, she didn't want to get hurt but needed money. Then she thought perhaps a small team? She could also recruit somebody for Hades side, plus she could earn a bit of money on the side. But now to figure out how to find someone to help her, she begun to wander around the town curiously although looking for somebody strong enough to help her.
OoC: Everyone who asked to join is fine, sorry I had a slightly chaotic day yesterday. After changing into her bathing suit, she looked in the mirror and smiled as she grabbed her camera. Ever since she was a child she stood around taking pictures, mainly of scenery but sometimes her friends. This year she took photography, although she fairly good at it after she passed with a B average. She smiled as she stopped looking at the beach, she looked to Kaori talking to somebody she had never seen before. She tilted her head unsure of what to make of it, she took her camera out and aimed it at them and snapped a shot. A curse of habit, she took a picture of people she didn't recognize at first. Xemnas stood silently as he felt a heart being corrupted in the Azure Village, a Heartless's birth. He took a deep breath, he wasn't sure if he should show up on the world as well. He already had a some nobodies there, he didn't need to make them all alert to the upcoming catastrophe. "Perhaps a visit all together wouldn't hurt" Xemnas said, looking at the rest of the Organization as he made a portal. He strolled into it calmly, coming out by a sea salt ice cream stand. People begun to stare at him, with little emotions he passed by them ignoring all their stares. He decided the best way to figure out the new leader, was head towards the place the Heartless was born.
OoC: Accepted! "We have to find the key blade wielder, there must be another one by now" Xemnas said to them, "Much has changed in out absence, but in my opinion this accounts for nothing. After all, we had very little problems dealing with the heartless before. This time should not be any different, I want to go to this Azure Village... Its the only World that seems to have any connections to anybody" Xemnas stated standing there, he closed his eyes and then reopened them and looked to Marluxia's group. At least what he dubbed as their group, mainly castle oblivion. "I want you all to go to Azure Village, to try and see if you may locate the Key blade master... Don't intercept him if you do find him, instead report back to me. The rest of us, I need us to figure out the new heartless leader... Maleficent has been long gone as well" he said with a slight smile on his face. Looking out to the ocean, not many were here yet but then again school got out. They were probably home getting their stuff and heading here now, she smiled as the salty hair blew on her face and pushed a strain of hair back from her face. "I guess I should get ready too, no need to be a stick in the mud" Manami said quietly as she turned to begin towards her house. She would change into her bathing suit and probably playing in the sand, one of her hobbies was making sand castles and she was pretty good at them.
Ioxykku walked into a portal and looked around the place she was staying, it was abandoned and looked like it would fall apart easily. She stared out for a moment and closed her eyes, as she sat down she felt somebody else in the town she had for so long lived in silence in. Her eyes narrowed as she got up to find them, trespassing upon her turf wasn't a smooth move. Although it didn't feel like a human, in fact she was certain is was another of her kind. Ones without no heart, but yet retained memories of what it was truly like to have one. Stopping before the strange nobody, he looked in a daze and she sighed unsure of who he was or if she could help. Before she turned to walk away she heard a small whisper, "Noxmet" and she turned back to him. "My name is Noxmet" he said looking up to her and she stared at him. In many ways she wanted to turn and just walk away, but the boy was like herself. Lost and confused at the whole worlds, all that she knew was Heartless could not coexist with her. Melody was left in Twilight Town by Hades and Junkie, it was fine as she needed as much supplies as possible if their target was Maleficent herself. Walking into a shop she took out her munny, counting it she had very little munny to pay for the potions and thought a moment of ways to earn some quick cash. She tapped her chin curiously, then smiled to herself as she looked at a small contest. She was a healer though, she wouldn't last much of a chance unless it was healing people contest. OoC: Trying to get back into the swing of stuff, so I made a trump character that I had planned to introduce but why not now? Name: Noxmet Age: Eighteen Side: Nobody Powers: Healing powers, he has the ability to heal people and resurrect when needed. Bio: Noxmet is a fairly new formed nobody, having little to no memories of his past life. He does remember a young girl that he looked out for, he safely assumes this to be a relative of some kind. He has advanced knowledge of healing, although hes rather reluctant to brag or talk openly about it. He wishes only to figure out his past self, everything else in the world could matter less to him. Picture: Standing exactly six feet tall, mainly hes made up of long legs. His body frame is slightly muscular, although hes weak in the senses of close quarter combats. He is a unhealthy looking pale skin color, although he is healthy as he shows no sign of any actual disease. He has limp lifeless platinum blond hair, it goes to his shoulders and sits there with nothing all that interesting about it. Behind the hair is a set of pure baby blue eyes, although their void of all emotion.
OoC: Accepted! :3 Wow, this was quick actually! ^_^ Alright then, we got both heroes of light and darkness and princes and members to Organization VII! godsgirl: Larxene's powers/weapon is not right. Her powers are the manipulation of electricity and her weapons are four kurnai's for each hand. Manami stepped from the school walking down the stairs, it was loud and chaotic as everyone had finally been released from school. Summer vacation until next year, then the process would repeat itself again. She wasn't quite sure what she would do this summer, it seemed like it was always boring during the summer aside from the beach. Instead of heading home right away she would check out the beach, everyone would be there for most the summer anyways. Standing silently he thought of all the things that went wrong last time, his plan he had previously thought was pristine and flawless was ruined by a naive boy and a couple of silly animals. "This time, everything will be different. We'll have more people, but still we need the key blade..." Xemnas thought aloud amongst them. Looking at all of them he turned to the sky, staring up at where he had once assumed Kingdom Hearts was inches from compete. Although maybe they were doomed, as Sora had long been gone or at least he assumed. "Perhaps
OoC: That's fine, we are not beginning until we got the heroes. Any questions or concerns, talk to me... I don't bite people normally ^_^
Storyline Millions of years have passed since the chosen key blade wielder had successfully rid the world of most evil, everything being peaceful and serene in the worlds. Through out the ages slowly the tale of the Key blade becoming all long forgotten, thoughts of heartless and nobodies completely gone from the worlds paranoia. Although even the great King Mickey knew this was only a era, soon enough the world would take a plunge into darkness once more. He sent a letter to the to the new hero to light, to warn him of the upcoming danger to befall him and his friends. Countering Mickey, Maleficent before her death had already had a message to the hero of darkness awaiting him. The Princess of Hearts once more being brought into the conflict, being the only ones to unleash the door to everlasting darkness. The danger of the princesses increasing, as born to the world is seven heartless princes. Their goal in life is to destroy the girls who are the hearts, to gain more powers and control over the worlds they consume. Now its up to the Hero of Light to protect the Princesses, and the hero of darkness to protect the princes. Unknown to all, that Organization VII would return once more to once again, aim to unlock Kingdom Hearts. Recruiting more members to help assist them, another worry for not only the hero of light but darkness as well. In the end, Where is it that you stand,...when the new dawn rises? Where we all begin... Hero/Princess/Original Characters Everyone is currently beginning on Azure Village, its officially the first day of summer. Children and Teenagers are just getting out of school, people taking time off work to relax... All of which none are aware of the upcoming events to shatter their world! Darkness Watching from afar, all the seven of them plot together. Recently located where all the princesses, and to make things better all conveniently in one place. They also have stumbled upon the Nobodies, who are currently residing close to them and a threat to them. To nab the princesses and return to base in order to slaughter the nobodies, that is truly the main goal of all of them. Organization XII After the many years of damnation, they are wakened and unsure of what has happened to them exactly. Looking around the worlds, finding no trace of the key blade, but yet no sign of corruption any more. Deep inside they know the Heartless are all out there, waiting and watching for the perfect time to strike. Rules Keep this PG-13, anything beyond this is going to far even on this site. No controlling another person’s character(s), its annoying but if your time locked in a conversation with them. You may make up a excuse to get out of it, such as seeing a coin picking it up and noticing somebody else. No killing other characters, unless you have full permission to do so. If you do kill a character, I would wish for either the character player or the one who killed them to tell me. No continuous one lining, 3 sentences being a minimum. I would also like to mention this is a third person, storybook roleplay. Romance is encouraged, but nothing that would heaven forbid scar children. I won't discriminate against homosexuals, bisexuals, heterosexuals, or anything! If you don't like it, please don't bash it for the love of Kingdom Hearts. you may have as many characters as you please, but make sure you have a way to show people your not playing that character. Canons you may be up to two people, as we want enough to go around but if its a long time and people are not claiming a third one may be taken. All canon characters listed you may join as, if some are not listed it means they are either dead or have not made a appearance. If you plan on making a Custom Nobody, by all means BUT they begin as a normal human like everybody else. Progression makes them a nobody, when they are a nobody I will anagram their name unless you got a name in mind! I promise to hold you hand through this, as its a new event I came up with off my tiny brain! This rule doesn't apply to the canon nobodies, after all they are already nobodies. -I also choose power and title, I don't want repeated powers- Nobody has relation or knowledge if their related to Sora/Kairi/Riku/Others as its been a really long time, plus saving my hot buns from people who are Sokai/Rikai! Currently WorldsAzure Village: Once called Destiny Island... This little island has turned into a small village, slightly bigger then the old destiny island. There is very little to do, the biggest hang out being the beach and small island. Endless Void: This is where Organization VII is currently, they reappeared although they are unsure themselves if this is the remainder of the world that never was. Shadow Abyss: Currently the central for Heartless activity, since they were 'gone'. It seems like there was a build up of heartless, making more then ever before. CharactersHero of Light: Grey | Starkiller Hero of Darkness: Jett | Ventez Organization XII I. Xemnas: Superior One | Amasha II. Xigbar: Free Shooter | Hexin III. Xaldin: Whirlwind Lancer | IV. Vexen: Chilly Academic | V. Lexaeus: Silent Hero | VI. Zexion: Cloaked Schemer | Haiena.Koinu VII. Saix: Lunar Divider| VIII. Axel: Flurry of Dancing Flames | IX. Demyx: Melodious Nocturne | Flamedancer X. Luxord: Gambler of Fate | XI. Marluxia: Graceful Assassin | XII. Larxene: Savage Nymph | godsgirl Seven Princess of Hearts 1: Wisdom | 2: Justice | 3: Manami: Restraint | Amasha 4: Kaori: Courage | VaKh87 5: Faith | 6: Hope | 7: Charity | Princes of Heartless 1: Wrath | 2: Greed | 3: Gluttony | 4: Sloth | 5: Pride: Dorian | Flamedancer 6: Envy | 7: Deinaito: Lust | Haiena.Koinu Others/Those to be decided for? Nehi | Hexin Kyo | exile0025 Character SheetCanons Name: Role: Powers: Original Character Name: First name Age: How old they are Gender: Female/Male Picture/Description: Photo has to be anime but other wise describe what they look like. Role: What their role in the future will be! if its a nobody, I'll give you something to update with sort of thing! Personality: how that act and think, give you a slight feel for your character History: what their history was, many of them were born in Azure Village but some moved there although don't remember where they came from. Weapons: What weapons they carry, instantly the key blades go to the hero of light and hero of darkness. Everyone else makes up a weapon, unless nobody which you receive one from Xemnas. Princes and Princesses don't have weapons, although Princes have combat and magical skills unlike the princesses. Powers: you know the drill, but when it comes down to Nobodies and such. I'll give you a power, like i stated before I don't want people copying as I really like uniqueness in people! My characters Name: Xemnas Role: Leader of Organization VII, Superior One Weapons: Two Aerial Blades Powers: Manipulates nothingness to phase through solid matter and manifest energy-based shields and projectiles. Name: Manami Age: 16 Gender: Female Picture/Description: XxX Role: Restraint of Seven Princess of Hearts Personality: Manami is very soft spoken around people, specifically people she doesn't know all that well. She is curious to the world around her, but places boundaries for herself to ensure safety. She is easily talked into things, although she will try and act stubborn to a point if its something outside the boundaries. History: Manami was born on the island, she lived a rather peaceful quiet childhood. She took on very shy traits from her father, although she got many of her mother's looks. Shes curious to whats across the ocean, but is to afraid to leave and never be able to return to the island. Since she turned twelve, her and the six other girls on the island have been becoming close friends with one another. Weapons: None Powers: None
He stood waiting for Larxene for awhile, it was getting irritating that she was jacking around. He really wanted to gain his vengeance on Xaldin and wash his hands clean, he stood silently taking a deep breath and closing his eyes as he entered Xaldin's bedroom. He would just do everything by himself and leave her out, either way it would be a whole lot easier then if Larxene was witness to him. He took out a small sewing kit and looked at the wardrobe, taking out robes the man had and sewing the sleeves shut. Although the smell of dirty laundry filled the room it seemed, of course Marluxia was rather finicky about his bedroom. After he was done with a few robes, he stopped getting a bit paranoid about being caught. He got up and put all of the man's robes back, he then headed towards the door but stopped. He finally exited the room rather proud of himself, it was the best he could have come up with though Larxene probably would have done a lot worse.
Something was missing and she stopped, whirling around behind her seeing Marluxia had disappeared from her side. "Thought he was right there" Larxene mumbled to herself, she begun to retrace her steps to find Marluxia who probably got caught up talking to someone. One thing about Marluxia was he was social, unlike her self who could careless for mindless chitchat amongst the organization. Poking her head into a room, she scanned the room for Marluxia which was apparent he wasn't here either. The whole basement levels were dead silent, only the echos of her shoes could be heard through out the levels. Xensela stopped at a large book case, her eyes reading title after title of different assortments of books. She picked a book that sounded the most interesting, Astronomical sounded much like a magic book of some sort. Sitting down against a wall and opened the book, she begun to slowly read the first paragraph although by far this wasn't a magic book.
She tilted her head towards his last comments, she didn't make them out very clearly but nodded to him. "I'm Xensela, I didn't mean to trouble you" Xensela said to Zexion and looked towards Garxe, she didn't know much of a title for her/him. She frowned a moment and then made a fate smile, "of course, I'll see you both around" she said quietly as she left the room. She would continue towards basement eight, unsure of everything in the castle but would soon hopefully figure out everything.
Slowly she pushed the door open to basement floor eight, the place was still absolutely dark and rather large. She had a small lantern with her, but it was still not really enough to fully illuminate the whole room. She heard someone portal in from behind her, she froze a moment wondering if they would ask her a question of some sort. Turning herself fully and walked back, "hello? Is anyone here?" Xensela asked quietly. She didn't really recognize many peoples voices, although she knew Xemnas off the bat since she spoke with him most. Finally watched a small flame flicker on, she at first guessed the Furry of Dancing Flames but the person was to small to be him. The light revealed to her the Cloaked Schemer, she gave him a fate smile. She still has so much to learn about the members, calling them by their titles could get annoying for them. "Hello Cloaked Schemer, how are you?" she asked softly, she pushed aside a auburn strand of hair.
The two stepped into the hall looking both ways, "Alright... All is clear in the hall. Now to fuzzylumpkin's bedroom, trash it and escape!" Larxene whispered to Marluxia who nodded. It was the first time he trusted Larxene's plot, she was reckless which was something the graceful assassin was not. He was always calculated everything, of course he made mistakes but he was always careful to make sure to leave no loopholes. Larxene's eyes traced the hall ways carefully, then went to Marluxia who wore her bright orange beanie. She hadn't worn that for a really long time, mainly because it drew a lot of attention. Something she disliked from everyone, attention made people think they could converse with her which wasn't something she wanted. She didn't notice how quickly she was walking, leaving Marluxia in her dust as she walked and thought to herself. A sigh escaped Marluxia's lips as she walked ahead, he knew she was in one of her deep at thought moments. Something he knew better then to disturb, he instead portal in front of Number three's bedroom to wait for Larxene's arrival. OoC: Alright, I'm gonna make a OC I so pose ^^; I mean why not? Nobody Name: Xensela True Name: Selena Gender: Female Age: Eighteen Short Bio: Before she was Xensela, she was known as Selena. She lived in a small farming community, her life was rather boring and typical before the heartless showed up. Their community was taken within minutes, no real struggle although Selena refused to let her family get hurt. She tried to use tools for farming to fight off the heartless, but to no avail the community was taken. She was changed into a Nobody then after, she wondered for a long time until she was finally taken in by the organization. Element: Weather Weapon: Twin Tonfa Title: The Seasonal Apparition Picture/Description: Xensela is a slender young lady, she stands around 5'3. She is a very light creme skin color, it has a birthmark below her left eye. She has shoulder length auburn hair, although there is two longer braided strains that reach her mid back. She has hazel green eyes, they tend to change color depending on the light shes in. She also has a couple of piercings, many up and down her ears and one being her left eyebrow. Although her looks are very rarely seen, shes mostly in her Nobody attire.