Winter sucks so hard....dude, seriously, I did nearly faint or something last night because of the stupid winter. >.<
Winter, like, sucks. Tis a winter wonderland here, but gawd, I nearly died last night when my and my family were going out to dinner. >.< IT WAS SO COLD!!!!!! I wish I had stayed in bed. -.- I want spring/summer. They were SUCH nice seasons, and summer is teh best. Summer=hotness, hot boys, hot peepz, hot weather, hot music, hot parties, hot dances...... XD
Wewt! Pwned! Dragonite! ;D *dances geekily*
This is the spam zone. -.- Duh. *stares at your avatar* >.o
Oy ay lla! Thaw pu?
Pshaw. I've been dead for 307890 years.
Well, it must be SOMEONE....>> Maybe it was Darky?
xD. Mari, huh? That's not suprising.
LMAO.....xDDDDD Mish+The_Burger_King forever!
Yup. That's why I need a tablet. D:
We don't know..... it's "secret" admirer. See? "Secret". And, internet drawing is hard for some people.
OMFGZ! But...that could be anyone! I mean, have you seen so many people say Mish is hawt? >,<
It means to add to a person's rep. Also, I think this is on the wrong section. Can someone move this?
I love both dogs and cats, but I like dogs better. I mean, they so cute!!!! I has a collie. :3
LMAO. The chicken returns!!!! XD
So I joined..... And I'm like this "Guest-insertnumbershere-" person....>.o What the heck is that?
Me was FREEEZING outside >.< On top of all of that, I'm eating icecream. Double the coldness.
You flap your arms like this: and yell GOLLUM GOLLUM GOLLUM! Bock bock! That's how you *chicken*.
Hello, ReturnableMemory! ^.^ Have fun, post lots, don't spam, and have fun!!!111
Ya, tis. The Spam Zone ish dead right now >.o