Mickey's not that hard to unlock. It's Sora that takes forever! UGH! I only have ONE mission left. It's the stupid Six Giant Heartless mission. That last one is IMPOSSIBLE! DX
Nothing really. Trying to keep my mind off my recent breakup and kind of failing. You?
XD It's particularly fun when you have the link panel that knocks enemies aside when you roll. It's like Heartless bowling with Mickey. LOL
Do Nobodies have minions? I thought the Organization was just powerful enough to control the lesser Nobodies, and maybe they knew better than to follow Axel, seeing as he was a deserter. If they had specific minions, couldn't they have helped us in missions? And even if they DO have minions, are their powers the same? I don't think they are.
Well, hi, there. ^^
Xion was an afterthought. She didn't really affect anything after Days because she was forgotten. Since Days came AFTER KHII, there was no other way to include her. I think that she was actually a very good character under the circumstances, that she had to get in, make a splash, and then leave everything the way it was when she came. So significance relevant to Days? Yes. To the rest of the series? No, she couldn't, not without creating a plot hole. Still a good character in my opinion. :3
It took me... definitely less than a week... Maybe five days? And I played on normal. The first Kingdom Hearts HAD no beginner and I refuse to insult my abilities by playing that mode!
Leechgrave took me FOREVER! DX I never even KNEW that it would stop moving if you killed the tentacles! I just tried killing one of the tentacles, and when it came back, I was like, "Yeah. That's not worth it." So I fought it off while it was MOVING the ENTIRE TIME! It wasn't until I was afraid to fight it on Proud mode, that my boyfriend mentioned something about that all nonchalantly and I'm like "0-0 You can do that?" I beat it like NOTHING when I found out it stopped moving when you kill the tentacles! DX Another one that gave me some trouble was the Infernal Engine. I actually find that one fun now. At first, it just took me forever because you just really have to figure it out to beat it. And yeah, Xion's second form. I hated those stupid little laser things, and did anyone else think they looked like sperm? I just kept running around screaming "Ah! Xion's trying to impregnate me! DX" And I agree, Saix was a kind of too easy. XD;; I expected him to be hard. I was just feeling invincible, slashing out dusks, running through the castle, and after a while it occurs to me, "...Someone's going to have to stop me, aren't they?" But I don't care I'm just running around "Mwa ha ha! You can't stop me!" Saix is standing there. "Oh, f--" Yeah, but he wasn't hard. I think I beat him first try.
That! That is what I keep hearing. Where does it say that? It only says "two hearts and two keys". It does not say "two hearts, one dark key, and one light key".
The Way To Dawn that he uses in Kingdom Hearts II is a keyblade, but the Soul Eater, which he uses in Kingdom Hearts and Chain of Memories is the weapon in discussion. They do bear a resemblance, but this is probably because they both come from Riku's darkness.
So is there any solid proof? *ignoring spoiler as I plan on playing BBS* If not, I'm writing it off in my head as false until proof is given. Until getting close to Riku in CoM, Mickey believed that Darkness was all bad, why would he wield its Keyblade, and why would it choose him?
I always had trouble with them, too. Defeating Heartless will put the ring back up when it disappears. Only defeat Heartless when you need them. If some emblems are particularly tricky to get, make a plan as to how to get them. This all worked for me. Hope it helps. :3
The first time I got it was after the final save point. *fail* It took me forever to get it again! DX
I'm not looking for proof as to how he got it, only that it is from the Realm of Darkness. Is there proof in BBS? Because I've been avoiding spoilers for that, so I wouldn't know, and I've been hearing this LONG before BBS!
I hear this EVERYWHERE, but no one can give me solid evidence as to why it's true. Is this just a commonly accepted misconception, or is there something I keep missing?
It's a sword made of darkness. Some idiot tried to argue with me FOREVER on YouTube that it was a keyblade. Ugh!
I was the first person to post the "Kairi's Panties" thing on YouTube. I was on the phone with a friend who was using the camera angle to look up Riku's vest, and then she was like "Hm... I wonder if you could look up Kairi's skirt. I'm gonna go check!" And it was a joke because she was on the other side of the world at the time and it was like a quest and stuff, and she had expected it would be all heavily shaded or she'd have shorts underneath or something. Then she started laughing uncontrollably and said you could see her panties, and I didn't believe her, so I went to check, and sure enough... Kairi's panties. I checked YT to see if there was anything up and there was nothing, so my friend was like "Record it and put it on YouTube!" So... I did... Anyway, I wish Sora would end up with Namine, but alas, I'm sure he's going to end up with Kairi... but... since Namine faded into Kairi, then technicaclly... >:D
Yeah, graphics took some getting used to, but the game is good. I recommend playing it if you can. :3 I actually liked the battle system in Kingdom Hearts II, but the battles themselves needed to match the system, like, they needed to be harder, either that, or special moves should have been harder to use. I liked the 358/2 Days system of limit breaks. Maybe they'll keep that system through the series.
Want to know something worse? When the concept was being developed solely with Disney, the main character was going to be Mickey, with Maleficent as the final battle. You can kind of even see how Sora's clothes are based off of Mickey Mouse. Sora kind of even looks like a cross between Mickey Mouse, that drawing, and a few other things removed. There, aren't you glad Square stepped in? LOL
I played Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts II, re:CoM, then 358/2 Days. The first Kingdom Hearts was really challenging. The first time I played it through, I played tag team with my next-door-neighbor. When one died, we'd switch off the controller to the other, and our strengths kind of complimented each other. Things that were hard for one were easy for the other. The only thing we had a lot of trouble with was the second time you fight Ansem on the fake Destiny Islands thing. There were certain parts he could do that I couldn't, and certain parts I could do that he couldn't. Eventually, when Ansem was about to do something I couldn't do, and I was really low on health and about to die, so I paused it, handed the controller to him and said "HERE! YOU DO IT!" So, we started switching off like that. LOL We got REALLY far in that battle, but didn't beat it. It only took us a couple of tries after that, though. That was the hardest battle in the game imho. The following battles were much easier. Anyway, KHII was disappointing in comparison. It wasn't much of a challenge, and the storyline was kind of a letdown as well, and the only people who ever really disagree with me on that are the people who played KHII first. I found the change in the battle system in re:CoM a challenge, personally. Something new to get used to and more of a strategic kind of game. I LOVED the storyline, too. *die-hard Namora fan* 358/2 Days didn't disappoint me either. Really, in my opinion, KHII was the only dud in the series. Wow, I can ramble on... Sorry about that. ^^;;