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  1. deededee13
    thanks guys it helped me a little i did unlock him ironically i didnt beat atlantica so then i did that then when i had my friend over and i went to the garden of assambedge?(idk how to spell it) the missing one was bugging me and we found out that i hadnt beaten marluxia whom i saved for last for a nice ass kicking for giving me such a hard time when i tried to beat him before so i gave him his dues 1st fight then beat the game saw the extra scene then went to disney casle and found it there so thanks :)
    Post by: deededee13, Mar 16, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  2. deededee13
    i am starting a bleach abridged and ive already made the opening and ive scripted the 1st episode
    1st off the current characters i need are
    ichigo's dad
    Yuzu(little spastic sister)
    Karin(the serious one)

    now if you would like to participate then pm a link to you saying their lines
    Ichigo's dad=...same as anime
    Rukia=as being a main character she gets a real personality which is slight A.D.D.

    now the lines to say if you are trying out
    Yuzu="so why do you like this show so much?"
    Karin=make up your own line for her she's not too important, as a matter of fact she has no lines in the 1st episode
    Ichigo's dad="Did you beat up canadians today?...thats my boy(funny yelling-ish)"
    Rukia=Can i, can i live in your closet...please!,Kido! (way of binding spell)(act slightly spastic)

    yeah don't question the lines just say them it's gunna be a good series i just need some more actors ill update this post as i need more and also as spots are filled
    thank you for your time and i hope people are interested
    Thread by: deededee13, Mar 16, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  3. deededee13
    im on normal and the only world that isnt lit up and i dont know why is atlantica but ive beaten all the songs
    Post by: deededee13, Feb 24, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  4. deededee13
    what are the conditions for the terra fight ive already beaten the game and gotten all the puzzle pieces and solved all of the puzzles now im puzzled
    Thread by: deededee13, Feb 24, 2009, 11 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  5. deededee13
    Um I think this should go in this section feel free to move it if you think otherwise but anyway.
    I am looking for a good spriter I am making a game and would like to make It a good one so I require a spriter to help me make the characters and such. If you would like to help me out then submit a few sprites you've created and Ill see If I think your right for it and thanks for helping :).
    (Please note that most of my need sprites will be overworld view.)
    Thread by: deededee13, Jan 13, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  6. deededee13
    i guess ill try out for goofy but how does this work and yes i have a microphone
    Post by: deededee13, Sep 24, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  7. deededee13
    is there such a code as to make just 1 mickey as your partner and only him having a different pallete like so that i can have one regular ally mickey and one green instead of red or somthing mickey as my other? for final mix
    also does anyone have the terra as partner or sephiroth as partner codes?
    oh and also is there a room mod to go to the keyblade feild in the cutscene with terra ven and w/e his name is or is tht not possible etc.
    Post by: deededee13, Sep 21, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  8. deededee13
    omg this looks like its gunna be the best code yet im ultra excited for it and oddly im very patient about things like this because good things do come in do time also ill have rock band 2 or gh world tour to hold me over soon you guys rock!
    Post by: deededee13, Sep 15, 2008 in forum: New Releases
  9. deededee13
    i beat the goddess of fate cup and there are no more tounaments that it will lets me play and that might be the one i havent but how do i unlock it then?
    Post by: deededee13, Sep 15, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  10. deededee13
    is there?!! there's a 5th trophy spot and i was wondering why its there
    Thread by: deededee13, Sep 15, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  11. deededee13
    good job only 2 small things that seemed out of place 1st that 1st transition where the video flips of into the corner kinda seemed not right for this song and 2nd the part with marluxia riku and sora fighting seem a little too intense for the song only slightly though other than that 5 stars
    Post by: deededee13, Sep 15, 2008 in forum: Production Studio
  12. deededee13
    is there such a code as to make just 1 mickey as your partner and only him having a different pallete like so that i can have one regular ally mickey and one green instead of red or somthing mickey as my other? for final mix
    also does anyone have the terra as partner or sephiroth as partner codes?
    Post by: deededee13, Sep 15, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  13. deededee13
    awesome thnx alot its amazing
    Post by: deededee13, Sep 11, 2008 in forum: Art Shop
  14. deededee13
    wow and last name it is kinda scary anyways no i think itd make your friendship kooler because you could be like whats up bryan nothing bryan and randomly use eachothers names alot in the same sentence for no reason :)
    other than that no i think itd be normal
    Post by: deededee13, Sep 8, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  15. deededee13
    yay for squirrels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ................ahem anyways take your time rome wasnt built in a day :)
    Post by: deededee13, Sep 5, 2008 in forum: Art Shop
  16. deededee13
    i got to lvl 10 with 250 deaths then i quit
    Post by: deededee13, Sep 1, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  17. deededee13
    thanks you guys thanks to you i figured out how to beat him and then it took me like 20 or 30 more tries to actually do it
    Post by: deededee13, Aug 30, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  18. deededee13
    ok lets see 1st off i dont have any pics but seeing your previous work ill trust that youll find 10x better pics than i wouldve w/e you think fits the theme ok now down to business
    theme:axel with i was thinking a slash or something w/e you reccomend to transition it into naruto umm either a subtle or a battle-y background idc and colors red
    text:deededee13 in a kingdom hearts font if you can
    font:w/e looks nice
    thats it and im sorry if its a trouble but i have multiple ideas and im not good at choosing but anyway ty
    Post by: deededee13, Aug 29, 2008 in forum: Art Shop
  19. deededee13
    my favorite part is actually the secret vid at the end of the game which you can see if you protect kyrie from the devils during the credits and my least favorite is his lameness stupid pope-like guy but i have to admit it is fun when you burst his bubble and then grab him and smash the living **** out of him then the final punch tht looks like it goes through his head
    Thread by: deededee13, Aug 29, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Gaming
  20. deededee13

    im new-ish

    hey whats up everyone ive been on kh-vids since right after they made the new site but never made an account until like 2 weeks ago or more possibly never kept track never got around to intruducing myself to the site and im not completely outgoing about posts but anys ways the reason im here...ahem HI GUYS (or gals :) )
    Thread by: deededee13, Aug 29, 2008, 16 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures