lol did you? what flavour was it
cause you never read my posts
idk hmm a couple of times so i guess a 3
messages on this site take a long time for me i dont know why but its a pain my my butt my internet sucks so i think that doesnt help either
dont listen to jesse mcgay
yea look for it under my profile it wa about how it was taking 8 hours to fill and now i have to drain it bored....thats why
it was on my deck....and my deck now has a permanent indent from the pool nmow i have to DRAIN it and put it somewhere else jeeze :nono:
lmao bet its fun
the bad blood hound gang lol
this pools 1000 gallons your must be like....o god
i got a pool today about 1:00 ish and its 8 now its only half way full its one of those build pool that has framework that comes with it sucks to wait, but it rained to that sped it up a bit....i WAS planning on swimming today but guess not
no no for like tv and stuff not the site i hope they dont know ooo lol who tought her that? well if he did....
there is no point for censoring anymore there a 4 year old down the a couple house we were setting up our pool and he comes to me and sais "girls no have penis'" and another time at school (im in a elem/jh school )a grade 1 sais hes gonna kick my ass
whatstthe wrongest wrong the was ever wronged
heres phone.....whats Thats Ringing......i Think I Have A Tumor...*smokes Another Joint*