*blushes* Gee, hahahaha aww I feel loved ^_^
So far...4 Lol! That's including yours =]
Is that so? >:3 jk Yup it's Suzumiya. I started a small little fad with this video, OH YEAH!!! ;D
Lol I sure am random =^^=
^__^ And I've nearly finnished episode 5 XD Thank you! :D I guess you were pretty suprised to see it was I, who had posted here.
Lol this guy is a ****ing genius! XD I joke..... What I find more funny is I was looking at the "Sites linking to this video" and I end up here. XD It suprised me rather. Just so you know.... I am the one who has created this video. Don't worry, I'm not here to rant about it being put on this site without my permission, that's silly, I wouldn't of put video embedding enabled otherwise I'm just here to say, Thank you! :D You're utter confusement with making comments like "WTF?" has brightened my day up! ^___^ May I say though, that the 2 minute beginning is completely confusing, UNLESS you know who the creator is (Me) or if you know what the creator's previous work as been.... Honestly, you won't understand it at all, but I think you've all figured that out xD