Well that settles it, cya later Kay!
Maybe I should call [IMG] again?
The treekeeper won't let me in anymore
Stop being so mean, gays! ;_;
I'm doing fine, it's a little boring here without risk though.
Where am I supposed to sleep now? D-':
Lets hope it was...
I get up early when the sleeping pill wakes me I take a wake up pill and fill with energy I power on hard and I check my messages But I don’t have any messages I take a driving pill and head to my car I drive around a bit cuz work isn’t very far I call my phone and I check my messages But I don’t have any messages Somebody take the next part!
Spankulere? Hvem jeg nei, jeg ville da aldri gjøre noe sånt. :3
Silly, I'm always viewing you profile >:3 *Sticks with a poke*
Hey Jade, long time no see. How's it going? ^^,
O:! How could you? You know I'm sensitive about my weight! ;_;
Get more visits already! >> ;_;
Of course it will... In Assassins Creed! D<
It will happen in 2013(or was it 11?) tho!
Nothing really scares me in games anymore, but I remember playing Mario 64 I got the living **** scared outta me when that piano came to live and attacked me. >>
It's like you've finally come to a site that can accept you, but then says "psyche" and punches you right in the stomach! D:
I don't see Versus coming out for like 2 more years, and Agito will come after that. Surely PSP2 will be out by then...
Well I'm fucked D= Crap, i suk ate splling!
I actually loved Rock Titan the most, so much fun. =P