Hello, welcome to the site, hope you have fun here. You should tell us a bit more about yourself :registro5B15D:
Welcome, i'm still kinda new here so DON'T ask me if you need help xD See you around.
Same here, I've barely been here two days and I already recognize your name on posts! I hope this thread shows you all the people that do like you on this forum, I’m sure there'll be tons of 'em. The fact that you still want to check the site once a week, means you do want to stay, so don't be bullied out. The people that hate you can just shove it!
I don't know about the best Final Fantasy, but I know which one is the most Over-rated *cough*FFVII*cough*. FFVII is a fantastic game, but there's so many squealing fanboi's over Cloud. He's a good protagonist, but he's not that great just because his sword is the size of a small car. If anyone remembers or recently played it you'll know Cloud isn't much like he's portrayed now. He was a bit of a messed up kid, but he liked to have a laugh and talk, he wasn't even afraid to dress up like a women. But Advent Children was raped by Fanboi's getting what they want he turned into a stereotype grumpy badass. That's how I feel anyway. WHOA! I did not mean to go off topic and have a moan, it just sorta happened sorry. I think personally the best FF's for me are: -IV - 5 party Members FTW. -VI - Gau is awesome. -VII - Great Story and Characters -VIII - New battle tactics, awesome. -X - A real Touching story, plus a great skill development
I think the question might be what happened to her body? When she flew into Sora at the Secret Place, her body just completely vanished, unless of course she was already a ghost (that still had Kairi's Heart) If she was already a ghost, then where was her body? Had it already been sucked into the portal or taken by the Heartless? How exactly did she even become this ghost from in the first place? Did Maleficent know Sora was the Keyblade Master and take Kairi? (She somehow had Kairi's Body in order to give it to Riku and the first time you see Maleficent at the table she is watching him and she already knows Sora has the Keyblade). Ansem could have filled her in when he first saw Sora at the Secret Place while gathering things for the raft. OK I'm totally reading into something that doesn't really matter at all, but what the hell, I'm probably wrong anyway. xD
I don't think it matters that Disney Castle wasn't put in since we gained it in Kingdom Hearts II anyway. I'd rather this level wasn't included because otherwise it might have been forced into it. Kingdom Hearts is a solid game without this level. Also I really like the name "Hollow Bastion".
Well I’m creating my own RPG, while not technically a story it involves a lot of creative writing when writing dialogue for characters etc. My biggest inspiration are family and friends, there's no one else I can admire more then them, which is why my characters are based upon these people that I know.
That is some really talented work! Lots of effort even in the shading. I like Link's new look (Link with Hoodie FTW...that's a compliment) I think i'll keep an eye on your work from now on. GJ.
Most games i've played are just the simple "Game Over...kthxbai" But I don't play many horrors or anything. Most kids don't wanna see "YOU'RE DEAD!" I'd absolutely love it if a video games, Game over screen came up with "www.ufail.org" XD
"Hey's whats happening...*Weird pause*...man?" ^ Yep I liked Wakka, he beats people up with a ball, who else does anything that cool? I didn't want to pick Sora, Riku or Kairi, because you have them for the rest of the adventure.
Y'know I actually forget she was in KHII until I read this topic 0_0. I was hoping to smack her up with my Keyblade! They could have at least put her as a secret boss in KHII Final Mix. I think in order to put Pete in and give a motive for his actions, they had to include her in as a suitable person that Pete would listen to and/ or be scared of disobeying. But I don't know, that's just really trying to find a random excuse for her pathetic return. I suppose it showed that even though she was evil and completely messed up Riku's life in the first adventure, she could still redeem herself later on.
Final Fantasy isn't the be and all end all. While it's one of the most successful RPG series in history, it really depends on who you ask, not everyone likes the style of gameplay that Final Fantasy has, some people prefer to pick up and gun and shoot the hell outta aliens and zombies. I doubt even every gamer has tried them, but bugger me if someone hasn't even heard of them, then they must live under a rock...in mars.
Thanks for the great welcomes everyone, I think this is the first time that my welcome topic has been pushed on to page two! (I feel quite happy about that) I already like it here. I'm sure i'll see all of you around here somewhere xD
Yep I think all windows computers have WMM already, if not just install it. It's really easy to pick up (If I could do it, you could to do) The only problem is, you can't get creative with it, after a few AMVs you might go of looking for another program. My advice is also Sony Vegas, though it isn't cheap it would keep you busy for a longgggg time. Good luck making videos!
Horrible, horrible video! I don't know why I sat though it all. I'm an Agnostic myself, I don't really know what to believe. Religion is such a big subject and often WAY too big for me. If there is a Heaven and Hell you won't automatically go to Hell just for not being a Christian, it's not who you are or what you believe, it's what you do in life that matters.
Could I possibly join? I was told I should join a family in my intro thread, and this one seems nice. I'm big on RPG's so I suppose that's a good start. I could be the "Ghost that haunts the Attic" You don't have that one yet xD
I heard this film has terrible acting and that's one thing I can't stand in a film, but you can't always trust a film critic xD I think i'll see this film anyway because the trailer looks great! I hope it isn't one of the those films that shows the best bits in a trailer...
I always consider parents are the ones who look after you, there for you and who you have build all your childhood memories with. If found out my parents were not actually my biological parents, I would not disown them in anyway, I would be proud that they cared for me no matter what and that they loved me the same. I don't give a monkeys who created me, I only care about the people who were able to shape me into the person I am today :] I would hope that if I was adopted, my parents could be open about it with me and not keep it a secret.
Haha Thank you. I've read the rules (It's the first thing I did just incase xD) I'm sure i'll put a foot wrong every now and then, but once i'm told something once I normally remember it. I'll take you up on that offer, but i'm sure i'll be fine xD
Hello everyone, glad to be here, I'm an avid KH and FF fan. I love making AMVs with mostly Japanese Anime, it's been a while since i've made anything with KH or FF but I really want to make it into DA's top five at least once, it's like my mount Everest. I make them with Sony Movie Studio incase you're wondering. I'm always looking to join a studio, but don't worry I won't plug myself or anything here. Apart from that, i'm a down-to-earth kinda guy who just likes having fun. Nothing much to say really, I'm sure you'll get to know much better as time goes on. I'll do my best to stay active, i'm a bit of a forum newb so I might lurk a bit at first xD.