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  1. Statuess
    Oh okay... I'll get the original then since as far as I saw the Platinum version looks boring and the original has a cute picture of Sora on the disk. :) Thanks everyone!
    Post by: Statuess, Jan 15, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  2. Statuess
    I hope it doesn't come out on the 360 'cos there is no way in hell I'll be buying one of those! If it comes out on the PS3, I will probably have to wait a decade to play it, because I have better things to spend my limited money on. I have a Wii and I love it, and think it would be fun to play KH on it, but I honestly think the best (as well as most plausible) choice would be to stick with the PS2.
    Post by: Statuess, Jan 14, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Statuess
    Okay, since I'm finally getting a PS2, I have to order Kingdom Hearts ASAP, but... What is the difference between the original KH and the platinum version? Do you actually get anything extra and is it worth it? ^^ Thanks for your help!
    Thread by: Statuess, Jan 14, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  4. Statuess
    I don't know~... I guess I think a human grows its own soul, which is always changing, and when they die it just gets released into the area around them...
    Post by: Statuess, Jan 4, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  5. Statuess
    And break the hearts of countless yaoi fangirls? D:

    It's not just that. *laugh* Actually, I don't like Kairi and the idea of Sora (who I also KINDA' don't like because I just happen to like Orgy XIII more and he was mean to them... >.>) kissing her makes me feel nauseous and vaguely angry. I think it's better if they just leave that stuff out entirely. <.<
    Post by: Statuess, Jan 4, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. Statuess
    Indeed I do. (I first thought "Oh, is that what it's called?" 'cos I was just calling it the H***S***.)

    I take it you have it, then? What else have you done? (It's possible you're further than me, 'cos I haven't had a chance to play it for a couple of weeks (I know! Terrible!) so haven't gotten any further.)
    Post by: Statuess, Jan 1, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  7. Statuess


    To get friends you should say something charming and lovely! *silly grin* (Actually, what I mean is you should seek real friends by making sure you have something in common, or, like... friend-chemistry or something. ^^)
    Post by: Statuess, Dec 30, 2006 in forum: Discussion
  8. Statuess
    Babe! You're in the UK! I love people in the UK, whereabouts are you? ^^

    Why not pay the P&P yourself? *grin* (I have to say I'm pretty tempted to get one myself, but I have too many expensive hobbies. >_> *in debt to her Mum for the next year*)
    Post by: Statuess, Dec 30, 2006 in forum: Discussion
  9. Statuess
    Indeed we do. Which is(/are) your favourite(s)? ^_^ I actually really liked Majora's Mask. (TP is turning out awesome, though!)
    Post by: Statuess, Dec 30, 2006 in forum: Gaming
  10. Statuess
    Don't know exactly what your problem is, but I'm also on the water temple. The best general tip I have is "look up". ^^ (BTW, do you have the item you get in the temple yet? *doesn't want to say outright what it is in case someone complains*)
    Post by: Statuess, Dec 30, 2006 in forum: Gaming
  11. Statuess
    XD That has to be the most amazing thing I've ever read.

    I'm terrible at making up last names. I have trouble doing it for my own characters. o_o
    Post by: Statuess, Dec 30, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Statuess
    I have to say, every year after mine in school seems to get ruder!

    When it comes to ANY kind of punishment, a kid just has to see there are other ways to go about things before they could start resisting. (It's similar to this thing we discussed in Philosophy and Belief- Does a religious upbringing brainwash a child into belief. And in some cases, it does the exact opposite.)

    Also, maybe it's because I was never spanked properly or regularly, but if a parent (it would only be my father, and even that's not very likely) raises a hand against me, all I feel is hatred, anger and injustice. (Other than that, my Mum hit the cat about a month ago for being sick on the table, and even though she said it was just a tap, it was loud enough for me to hear the impact and it still upsets me.)

    Maybe I'm a narcissist to think I would never deserve a physical punishment from them. I do as I want, but I am not vulgar. As a matter of fact, I think that most punishments are highly flawed.

    Like bullying, wouldn't it only lead to a repeat of the same? If everyone did it, it could get out of control.
    Post by: Statuess, Dec 30, 2006 in forum: Discussion
  13. Statuess


    Personally, I don't think goths have to be depressed and I think most emos are fakers. >_> Don't flame me, it's just that is p**ses me off 'cos I've always thought of 'emos' as "I'm more twisted than them". (My best friend say I AM emo, but I just don't dress like them or hang out with them.) However, the people who don't PRETEND to have problems are actually really cool.

    I think I'm depressed. My oldest brother was/is, and gets disability allowance. If I'm not, I'm certain I must have something.

    However, I guess because I just act quiet in school or something, it hasn't really been noticed in me. A year or two ago, I mentioned it to Mum and said I wanted to take something for it and she just brushed it off, so I don't talk to her about it anymore. I've never properly seen someone to be diagnosed, or even really talked to an adult about it in that way, but I usually get a very high score on the "Goldberg Depression Test" (I used to be virtually addicted to it when I first started feeling depressed but when I felt REALLY bad I just stopped being able to even look at it.)

    I think some people could be saying they are depressed to get attention, but if they are, they must have a problem! It does seem, though, that people are having more and more psychological problems.

    Also, there's an "exuberance" gene, which has a long or short allele (version). This could affect depression, I think.

    I actually am easily amused, and my moods vary a lot. I tend to feel happier if I have less people to compare myself to. It's possible I just get lows following hormonial highs! (I actually observed this in myself, so it could happen on a larger scale..?)
    Post by: Statuess, Dec 30, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Statuess
    Oh, how awfully romantic! XD (I don't really agree with it, but it is a cute theory. And new theories are good!)
    Post by: Statuess, Dec 30, 2006 in forum: Discussion
  15. Statuess
    I'm not entirely sure what I believe. I hope that there is somewhere our conciousness continues, but I don't fully believe it does.

    If there is a heaven and hell, I would rather go to hell. I don't think those who go to heaven can truly feel, so I would rather face bad than something bland. I think it's more likely that we will be reincarnated, and that it is UNLIKELY that any of our memories will remain.

    I think that maybe, if a person has a soul which isn't just created in the mind, upon death it will just dissipate into the area around the body, slowly spreading out.

    I have a theory, although I don't exactly believe in it either, it is just a thought about existance. Basically, if a person takes in more (information, other people's emotions, etc.) than they give out, then their existance is less than half. There is no ideal existance level; It depends on the person. (This is somewhat off-topic so I won't go into too much detail...) I think this ties in with what I said about a "soul" dissipating, but shows that people would have "souls" of different sizes.
    Post by: Statuess, Dec 30, 2006 in forum: Discussion
  16. Statuess
    This has actually bothered me for a while. I ALWAYS say "fine" (or some other vague positive response) without thinking. Depending on the situation and who I'm talking to, I might revise that statement or just ask politely how they are.

    Sometimes, if I think I'm just being irrational (and it's something to do with them or I think it'll lead to me crying in public), Ill insist I'm fine even if a close friend asks me if I'm okay because I actually look upset. At most, if I'm really upset, I'll say something negative, but if asked why I'll say "I just do".
    Post by: Statuess, Dec 30, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Statuess


    Well, when it comes to eating, it seems that as well as addictive substances existing in or even being put into foods, humans have not become entirely used to having an excess of food and so much less exercise. I think this is why fatty junk food still tastes good- our bodies have been stuggling to gain food, often living in poverty, until very recently.

    Also, there is the cost issue. Junk food cost so much less than food which flaunt terms like "organic" on their labels. (Whether they actually are or not!)

    As well as stress, lack of sleep is said to be a factor in obsesity. Upbringing can also affect a person's ability to lose weight.

    Now, I don't know if it's different in America, but I've never seen supermodels as idols for small children. And as far as I've heard, there aren't little girls snorting stuff just 'cos Kate Moss was caught doing it, either. (Please, correct me if I'm wrong.)

    Of course, weight problems, either way, can also be the result of thyroid problems etc., and people who weigh too little should be as much concern as those who weigh too much, but they are, in certain countries, much less common!

    Unlike some of you, I have to admit that I don't do that much exercise. However, I don't do anything to make me gain much weight either. (Of course I eat, but I don't like stuffing myself..!)
    Post by: Statuess, Dec 30, 2006 in forum: Discussion