Thank you very much to all who responded! I did not know if anyone would or not, honestly :D *laughs* Hmmm, so I guess you like Lestat too? :D I hope to see you around too!~
I know quite a few~ Rumanian: My native language Spanish: Learned at same time as Rumanian since I live in Spain English: Took in school 6 years, can type/speak very well, I think German: Took for 3 years, ok speak, good writing French/Italian: Can understand very well :D
Ah yes, that is the PURE EVIL of a Rubix Cube..... I am terrible at those. *shakes head sadly*
Hello everyone! I have been lurking on this site for quite a while, and finally decided to join. I love the KH and FF games, and the Vampire Chronicles books by Anne Rice (My favorite characters are Lestat and Armand). I live in Spain, have auburn colored hair, and am pretty tall, I guess.... So, yes, that is me!!!! :D