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  1. Mark In The Gods
    Ugh... I beg to differ. :p

    Gummi Shipping drives me nuts, I just do it for 100% completion, hehe.
    I guess that makes me INSANE! as well. :D
    Post by: Mark In The Gods, Aug 7, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Mark In The Gods
    Ugh... yeah I guess I'll have to. :p

    The stupid EX mission have been driving me crazy because I keep having to make useless ships just the meet the requirements - like "have at least 8 wheels" or "have at least 100 power" - that I haven't really focused on making a decent regular ship.

    I just don't get why the missions are a billion times harder than they were on the original version... just to drive me crazy I guess. "Let's see who's crazy enough to actually do this!" is probably what the developers were thinking.

    I don't know how much a better ship will help me though... I'm blowing everything up and making Medal Lv.30 no problem... I just can't get my stupid score any higher! Grrr...
    Post by: Mark In The Gods, Aug 7, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Mark In The Gods
    Yes, I've gotten Rank S on all of the first and second levels, including their EX missions (as well as all the treausres, brag brag ;) ).

    So... I went to the first Level 3 feeling pretty good about myself until I saw the ridiculous Rank S requirement. Then I wanted to cry... :(
    Post by: Mark In The Gods, Aug 7, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Mark In The Gods
    I managed to get Rank A no problem on the first two missions and now when I start it, it says 'Next: 2,900,000" at the bottom, which usually means that's what I need for an S (AKA the nest rank). I managed to get 2,400,00 for the first one, which is WAY more then what I needed for the A rank, but it's still not an S. :(
    Post by: Mark In The Gods, Aug 7, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. Mark In The Gods
    What the flip is up with the Level 3 Gummi Ship missions?

    Rank E - 500,000
    Rank D - 600,000
    Rank C - 700,000
    Rank B - 800,000
    Rank A - 900,000
    Rank S - 3,000,000?!?!?!

    What the heck!!! Is it just me, or is that a little crazy? I remember doing them in the original non-FM version and I'm fairly certain I only needed 1,000,000 for the S Rank. So I was wondering... did they abolish the S+ Ranks and make S+9 the new S?

    I'm also on Critical mode... could that be making a difference? I didn't think it affected the Gummi Shipping, but maybe it does.
    Thread by: Mark In The Gods, Aug 7, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. Mark In The Gods
    I just recently played through FM+ and got all the puzzle pieces (except for the Cavern of Remembrace; I haven't gone through there yet) so most of the locations are still pretty fresh in my head. So if there's a certain piece you're looking for, tell me what world it's in and I might be able to help.
    Post by: Mark In The Gods, Aug 7, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. Mark In The Gods
    I actually noticed that myself too, and thought it was odd since neither Sora nor Roxas are left handed.

    But it does mean this:
    Sora is right handed, Ven is left handed, and Roxas is possibly ambidextrous!

    Oooooooooooooooo! :D
    Post by: Mark In The Gods, Aug 5, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. Mark In The Gods
    LOL :D

    You are so right though; it's gotten a little ridiculous:

    KH: Sora has a Keyblade.
    Me: Okay!
    KH: Mickey has a Keyblade.
    Me: Okay, I guess he got it from the Realm of Darkness, so-
    KH: Roxas had two Keyblades.
    Me: Well... he's Sora's Nobody so that's still okay.
    KH: Riku has a Keyblade.
    Me: Uh... I guess 'cause he was suppose to be-
    KH: Kairi has a Keyblade.
    Me: ...WTF?
    KH: Terra, Ven and Aqua all have Keyblades.
    Me: Well-
    KH: Xion has a Keyblade.
    Me: AAAAAAAAAA!!! *explodes*
    Post by: Mark In The Gods, Aug 5, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. Mark In The Gods
    Hoookay... so I am having serious issues hooking my PSP up to the TV via component cables and I was wondering if anybody can help.

    To start, I have a 2000-series PSP (the silver Daxter one) and a SDTV with component imputs that claims to be progressive scan compatible.

    So, I hook everything up and flip the switch but instead of a proper display I get fuzz. I can get it to work if I switch the format to interlace, but then it won't play games, which is the main reason I want to hook it up in the first place.

    There are two things that I think may be the problem:
    a) I don't have an HDTV, but nearly everything I've read says that shouldn't matter as long as I have the component inputs and progressive scan compatibilty. Is this true, or do I need HD?
    b) The cable I'm using is a knock-off brand, and not the Sony one. Could this be making a difference?

    So yeah... I've basically lost my mind at this point trying to figure this out, so any help restoring my sanity would be greatly appreciated. Am I overlooking something exceedingly simple, or is it hopeless unless I upgrade my TV and/or the cable?
    Thread by: Mark In The Gods, Aug 3, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Technology
  10. Mark In The Gods


    Does that mean that Roxas is my mom?! :o
    Post by: Mark In The Gods, Aug 1, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Mark In The Gods


    Just wondering...

    Who's Member #666? :D
    Thread by: Mark In The Gods, Aug 1, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Mark In The Gods
    Okay, thanks! :)
    I figured they were probably just saying something like that. I just wanted to know if they actually said anything about Terra himself, but I guess not.
    Boring chipmunks. ;)
    Post by: Mark In The Gods, Aug 1, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. Mark In The Gods
    I was just curious if anybody had a translation for what Chip and Dale say about Terra's portal when it appears.

    I know what Terra himself says when you go in, but I was just wondering if the chipmunks say anything about him or if they're just talking about the portal in general.

    (Sorry if this is already posted somewhere; I couldn't find it anywhere)
    Thread by: Mark In The Gods, Aug 1, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. Mark In The Gods
    I like Kairi's in both games. If I ever did a cosplay it would be of her! :D
    Post by: Mark In The Gods, Jul 3, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Mark In The Gods
    Yeah, I found Beat to be the hardest. There's so much going on in the battle to begin with, and you have to really think ahead for his so it's hard to time right. Plus I'll be going for a specific card pair and then I'll get attacked which interrupts it and then I'm really messed up.
    Post by: Mark In The Gods, Jul 3, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  16. Mark In The Gods
    That's exciting! :D
    I've been waiting for another port; I can't stand the PS loading times and my SNES games have a bad habit of erasing save files on me.
    Post by: Mark In The Gods, Jul 3, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  17. Mark In The Gods
    Um, I have the Soundtracks for all the KH games and the last one listed for the Final Mix versions is called "Fate of the Unknown". I haven't seen the secret ending yet (I'm still playing trhough FM+), so I don't know if it's the song you're looking for, but does that sound right? It's 3:26 minutes long.
    Post by: Mark In The Gods, Jun 24, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. Mark In The Gods
    I don't hate them, but I do kind of forget about them sometimes. I never heal them because in battle the are kind of useless past the decoy function, and I prefer to use my items/MP on myself. But as for the actual characters themselves, they are good comedic relief although I do think they are out of place at times.

    I also think it would be cool if everybody else who joined you did so permanently and you could pick any combination of two of them wherever you went. I know story-wise it doesn't really work, but wouldn't it be fun to bring Simba to Agrabah and just let him loose in the city? :D
    Post by: Mark In The Gods, Jun 12, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. Mark In The Gods
    Hey, great! :D Thanks a lot.

    And dumb me, I didn't even think to look at my regular KH2, haha.
    Oh well, this works better ayway. :)
    Post by: Mark In The Gods, Jun 12, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. Mark In The Gods
    lol, is that the Great Valley Racing Adventure one? That game's terrible! :p

    Best: Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille Zure Macht
    Worst: Super Mario Advance 3: Yoshi's Island

    Now, I never played the original Yoshi's Island, but I played the GBA remake and it drove my nuts. I have a perfection complex where I have to complete eveything in a game, so I had to get perfect scores on all the levels which is IMPOSSIBLE once you get to the bonus level. Ugh... and that STUPID baby is always flying away from me in that blasted bubble crying its head off. ANNOYING.

    Best was a hard choice, taking into account all the beloved old-school games like Chrono Trigger, the big series like FF and KH, and the newer hard-to-label-as-best-since-they're-so-new ones like The World Ends With You. So I went with Xenosaga, because, well I'm not really sure why. That game just makes me happy. It's a great semi-old game that I think is often overlooked. :)
    Post by: Mark In The Gods, Jun 12, 2008 in forum: Gaming