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  1. tidusyunapaine
    UGH! I feel really stupid about not being able to get all 7 of the orichalum+s

    I've cleared Atlantica and 100 Acre Wood, been to TWTNW, Space Paranoids and sunset terrace and got them all from the chests and cleared the Goddess of Fate cup and got all of the materials for synthesis... I've actually only just cleared 100 Acre Wood =/ but i'm not getting the last Orichalum+

    Does anyone know why I'm not obtaining it? ANY help would be greatly appreciated :3

    I really want that keyblade >.<

    knowing me I've gone wrong somewhere in the game D;

    Please help? :3

    uhm yeah I really am stupid turns out I had missed out a treasure chest ^^"

    OH YEAH! the keyblade rocks! XD
    Thread by: tidusyunapaine, Jul 14, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help