q? Roxas Zexion Saix Marluxia or Xemnas
q? I'm a first born. We're better because we're used to being leaders, especially if you have younger siblings. The only time a leader isn't an elder child, its because they've gotten help from the older siblings, and they ended up making better descisions in life thatn the older one. Its as simple as that!
q? ha........CtR. Someone really doesn't like evolutionists, eh? I'm done with this section, talking to evolutionists is totally and utterly hopeless. But let me leave with saying 2 things. One, chess. The Persians invented a game that collects the essence, and values, and morals of life, and put it all in a board game. You really think they're primitive? You truly, honestly think that chess, one of the greatest games ever is primitive? And what of the pyramids? The Egyptians were some of the smartest people to ever live! You see, some people were dumb, but others were GENIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!! Just like know a days, some are dumb, and others are smart. One of the greatest questions that someone can ask in this topic, to both sides of the debate is..... .....have you been fooled? And the other thing is.......I was the de-reper. WHAT?! P.S.- DP wolf, your a ******. I'm a guy you ******!!!!
q? Its Sora he remembers, and as for the Xhenahort thing, that could be because he sees how the darkness is slowly gaining power over Sora, and I believe DiZ IS Heartless or Nobody of Xhenahort. Therefore, he could be seeing how DiZ is taking control over Sora, and how Sora is doing what DiZ commands, he has succumb to the dark, therefore Terra sees right through Sora's heart. He can smell the darkness, like Riku in CoM. Its like Terra's way of officially rejecting Sora's choices, thus rejecting Sora, and fighting him to release him of Xhenahort control. But Terra acn't bring himself to defeat Sora, and Sora takes the oppurtunity to destroy Terra's replica like being in that place. My theory, commemts please. P.S.- Thanks a lot for the translation ^__^
q? Well, let me just say, thanks for ignoring me DP WOlf, among our quotes.Now, allow me to quote a whole ton. k, God created everything when he created the earth. Not in one day, a few days. 7. I don't know if thats true or not, its more likely a code, but he created everything non the less. And as for people being blind and you whole eye thing, Darwin isn't god, nor a prophet (although to you he may be). If he states his opinion, don't tie it into what god says or anything, he was the one who started evolution, and denied god. Do you have evidence that your Big Bang theory is real? Were you there? Hm? No. This is why i call evolution a religion of sorts, because they think they've got evidence, but they don't, its all just a theory. nope, he didn't. Possible, but then a gain not possible. And the evolutionists can't prove the Big Bang theory either. Like i said before, its their theory. You know what, i really am starting to get annoyed. THis forum was made for evolutionists to rip apart believers, and you just scare away the dumb ones, and argue with the smart ones. I'm a religious person, but i keep some of my beliefs to myself, people can't handle the truth (not your truth about global warming and evolution, no, the real truth), but i will stand up for my beliefs. The truth is, whether God used the big-bang, or he used "magic", he created this world as a punishment for us. Do you ever notice how there is always a belief in heaven and hell, but they never really explain earth in ancient religions? In the creation account of the Bible, God never made hell, but it does say he created heaven. So? My point is, why can't brilliant scientists figure out the codes in the bible, instead of this crap about the big bang, like i said before, i'm really annoyed.
q? lol, nope. THeres a way to make clones, the govermant knows that one....ask them.
q? Great!!!! ^__^
q? Magic? Are you dumb?!(i know, i say that a lot to people. No offense, i find it ridiculous how some of us kids think so stupidly, and how non of us really think out side the box, and how some of you think you do by belieing in evolution). God controls everything, he is the father of creation. Of course we won't just appear, but think about how alchemy and magic really work. Are you like reading the kids version of creation or something? Ridiculous, please, just don't say "magic" again. Anyways, to those of you whom are inbetween on this subject, make up your minds. If you don't know what you believe, your not a very smart oponent, nor a smart ally. S before anyone else posts on this topic, have a mind set, k? Anyways, there are SO many ancient religions that talk about a higher being that creates everything, a lesser being than the higher, but will become the higher one day (offen called the son of the higher) and one igher being that defies the others, and is destructive. Is this a similarity or not? If the creation of the world, or at least people is in any way scientific, i believe that reptilian aliens created us to harvest us as their food. This is an ancient belief of the Middle-East. But I know that that isn't all correct, because i believe in a god, and that isn't the whole story
q? lol, DP getting de-reped. Don't be a baby about it, if its doing nothing, then stop acting like its a big deal. Seriously, bring it up one more time, and I'LL de-rep you. Anyways, interesting thjoery on the HIV virus. I believe in Chemitrails, operation Red Sky. THats how they're gonna get everyone.
q? crazy. Pan's Labrynth is cool, the Labrynth with David Bowie is the best though....^__^
q? Xecz or Zexc
agree with him. Just be cool, and be yourself. Like someone said before, don't rush. Its like a curse........ Plus, if your a nerd, change your out word appearance a bit until a girl will go out with you. Then you can change back to yourself, you know.
I'm newer to this part of posts. ANyways, i'm gonna be a writer, and have already started working on some stories. Heres one of the parts in "The Secrets of Lunasia", Ether Wings. Its about a boy, on his 16th birthday, and the past 12 days he's been having weirrd dreams of angels and cloaked men fighting. He has an older brother, who's into conspiracies and stuff. HE tells his brother of the dream, and his brother relates it to ancient religions. THe next day, on his birthday, his families gone, and a creepy old man is humming a tune in his living room. HE finds out that he's a prince of a land in another world that is side by side with Earth, or as they call it, Punishment. The other World is called Paradia, and they get there by a secret transportation devise in the pyramids. After he befriends his supposed friendly country men, things turn for the worst. He finds himself surrounded b evil empires, and them all working together around him. THey want him to join, but he knows his purpose is for good. He escapes there bonds of darkness, and returns to his country. THere, he befriends his army, and a war begins. 3 main forces, fighting for good and evil, and the inbetween. IN the end, the boy is lead to the Valley of flames, and battles his enemy. But this isn't the end. 5 things create a person. A Soul, a mind, a body, a spirit, and a heart. THis is the first part.
q? It was recked in the Riku/DiZ scene.....watch it again. The theory is pausible fo show, its no glitch. But i do need to say this has been talked about before.
I need some rep...badly. I'vce been a member for almost a month now, and was a member for a while, but forgot my password and stuff. PLease, help me out, somebody........(watch, this'll totally back fire, and everybody'll give me dissaprovle)
...q? I believe its a mixure of both of these.
q? This is a good theory. They still try to do this today, this damn the memory thing on people who know to much, or some people who work in secret goverment adjencies who need to be forgotten (like MIB). But as for Kingdom HEArts, i think it is really posible, I don't think it'll be called the damn of memories though, more so a diiferent version of that same thing. Plus, what clip is the VEn and Xhenhenort talking in? Even if its in japanese, can you give me a link to it or something?
But someone created those "Shifts", the Big Bang, and the Big Crunch, so i think it is possible for there to be an inbetween. Possible, but not the truth most likely.
q? Terra uses something like a dark light. you see that light coming out of his hand? Its dark, but light. Odd eh? I don't buy the whole data thing, this picture shows his power, and his power shows his character a bit. One inbetween the light and the dark, maybe even nobodie like.
q? are these in regular KH2?