Only because you just called me a loser.
Vexen Yay!!! Another Vexen hater!! Vexen is ugly, his voice is extremely annoying, and while other members have colorful hair colors his is a bland and unappealling shade of blond. His weapon is a sheild too. Only Goofy can use a sheild as an offensive weapon, if anyone else does that it just looks stupid. Vexen makes a big deal about how he's a scientist but the other 5 origanal members were also scientists too, you don't see them bragging or showing off with clones. I'm extremely thankful that Axel made Vexen the first Organization member to die. That's why Axel's my hero.
It's close but i think the fat bandit would win because a wyvern would be too stupid to be able to attack its back rather than its invincible front.
Axel because he's awesome. He even has his own catchphrase "Got it memorized."
Not my name :woohoo:OMG!!!! I made it in the top 5 with my first kh-amv made with vegas!! This is so awesome!!!! Just so everyone knows my name is K-Dubb, not Kbudd. No offense Darkandroid, I understand that you're getting rushed, but neither the less that's not really my name. But I don't really care because I MADE IT IN THE TOP 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D