I developed my own XIII name, Xerept = Peter. I use screen name daily for skype, etc so Im reminded always
Umm... how come whenever i try to click on the link of the videos it doesn't work o.o
=O i have a thought perhaps they all have different destinies you know? Since we don't have enough information on Aqua, we don't know what is going to happen to her, but possibly Terra turns evil and Ven turns good so they oppose each other while perhaps Aqua is sacraficed to stop the conflict and their spirits were moved to another body or so
okay i know this is a big request but I'm hoping someone could make a KH BBS or 385/2 days layout because i wanna use it for myspace and I think that a lot of other people would like to use it too. Plus im guessing making it must be hard so you don't have to =O (sorry if its in wrong section becuz im new =O)
I dunno, I believe that you are giving FF too big of a role, the square enix and disney ppl are only like side characters arent they?
oh haha i c, yeh can a forum mod move this? btw i think this song is pretty decent.
O.o I'd probably choose hallow bastion because thats where leon and all that is living right? ^_^
Don't you mean hes in the wrong section? =O