ohhkay. then what do i do to the one person to make it look like nothing changed in the picture?
Uh..does anyone know how to photoshop a picture where if theres 2 people in it. u can alter it to make it look like theres only one person in there?
its been nearly a month since season ended. i wasnt a wide reciever by the first game after being it for all of summer. instead coach moved me to the fullback position and strong safety. my season got cut short early after our homecoming. but i made 4 tackles and a sack within the two games i was able to play. next years gonna be different. Varsity Season. :]
well. she ended up saying yes. :] but i used a flipbook having it form the question letter by letter with two hearts forming. took me damn 4 periods to finish it. = =. but it was worth it :]
i forgot to mention. after. her last class. im asking her there straight on.
im planning on asking my friend out. and i thought of a way. that wasnt like the usual just asking - 6-7 pieces of paper. and a whole school day Each paper will have a word on it [*girlsname] [Will] [You] [Go] [Out] [With] [Me?] and imma have a friend in each of her classes. put a word on her desk. then after her last class ends. ill be standing outside of her class holding [Me?]
haha i know what Replikus talking about i had one super controlling gf in the past. wasnt fun at all. This girl..she isnt controlling at all. Like, after she told me that. i asked her if she was serious about it. and she was. but she isnt the type to control people. and shes not really the emotional type either, cept just for those times where she breaks down like most people.
my best friend. thats a girl. that im gonna ask out. that i mentioned on this forums in the "help with life thread" that if i ever died. her world would stop spinning. and everything around her would freeze. and telling me she loves me more then anyone else would. and she was literally serious about it. whatd she mean by that when she said the first part. Which says that if i ever died. her world would stop spinning. and everything around her would freeze.
my names pretty common. so me and my friend has a "chris" handshake
eh its not harsh. people have their opinions.
mmk thanks
even if i have a bad singing voice?
So i have this best friend im gonna ask out. I dont kno how imma do it tho either - Im gonna ask her to hang out at this elem school, and we're ognna hang. and all of a sudden imma ask her to listen to this song (Lucky - Jason Mraz/Colbie Callat), then imma tell her that it reminds me of her and how im lucky to have her. Then i'll ask her out - Ask her to come out of her house for 5 minutes and just ask her straight on. - Same as first, but isntead of listening to song, i sing Im Yours or Hanging By A Moment or You and Me to her. - Have my/her friends wear T shirts that says one letter each which says WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME - Have a tiny scavenger hunt :3 which one should i do?
my friend once asked me "why are we here. who am i exactly" i've been trying to find out who i am. But I found my answer. I wont ever know who i really am until the very last moments of my life. Everyday, we learn something new about ourselves. And we will keep learning of ourselves until the last moments. Thats why i think when we die peacefully in our sleep, we died finally knowing who we are. Life is like a book to me; Each day is a page of our lives. Each chapter is a year of our lives. Our last moments are the last pages. And there will be that empty page at the end of the book since we wont know what happens to us in the afterlife if there iis one. So I think the meaning of life is so we can go through it trying to find ourselves.
it was pretty funny. i saw twice. both funny both times. and anne hathaway was quite attractive in this movie i gotta say :o
i saw hancock. it was a pretty good movie. but they could have done much better with the story.
i need help again and its with my same friend. so yesthuday. we went ice skating with a bunch of friends. and the whole time. i was with her. holding hands. and when she sprained her ankle i just got off with her and stayed with her the whole time. we hugged alot. we held eachother also and she gave me a massage and at some times she got up. and gave me a hug from the back as i held her arms. my friends..well 5 of the friends we hung with thought we were going out. but we werent. We're just best friends. But today. i had a interesting convo with my other friend who said that maybe we passed the line of best friends without knowing and he knows that I could be the best one for her instead of any other guy out there since he knows how much i care about her. And he knows she cares about me too as much as i do for her. Other then the 5 people, theres around 7-9 more people who thinks that we shoudl go out or eventually we will. But im asking if theres a chance that she could like me back that way. and if i should take that chance of telling her how i feel and asking her out.
Do u like it? Hate it? Play it? If you play it. What position are you :O im a Wide Reciever/Free Safety
but right now she likes someone else. but at the same time she told me that there could be a chance in the future
It was gundam i think. the original old ones :O