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  1. xeno
    Xion, Xeon, or Shion....hmm interesting....sounds familiar somehow...

    Thanks for posting the info.
    Post by: xeno, Aug 2, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. xeno
    I would want to know the truth, because 1.I have had enough lies in my life.
    2. Ignorance is bliss and while bliss is being happy and all that, the feeling of bliss can distract you from what needs to be done.
    (you watch TV in bliss of everything else, but you dont realize what needs to be done because of the bliss given by whatever is on the TV)
    And 3. I just plain dont like religion....
    Post by: xeno, Mar 30, 2008 in forum: Debate Corner
  3. xeno

    A Theory

    I would say its a distinct possibility, the same reason for the cures not being given out and being "discovered" might also be the same underlying reason for some war's lately, and not what they say the causes are.
    but that too is just a theory.
    Post by: xeno, Mar 28, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  4. xeno
    I think bordering on 200....maybe more...

    about....31 genesis games, 47 Atari 2600 games, 35 NES games, 15 SNES games, 3 PSP games, 142(at estimate) ps1/ps2 games, 5 DS games, 11 GBA games, and a couple of PC games.....

    this is an estimate but I took a quick count, so I donno how accurate it is in actuality...but its somewhere around there....(some are my brothers as well, but we kinda share them regardless, I counteds them all as mine since they are mine and his, so whatever....)
    Post by: xeno, Mar 25, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  5. xeno
    I joined SE-Members, and I was going to post the link,but you beat me to it....
    (apparently I'm way too late to post i)

    Anyway, specifically you get new info on SE things, and giveaways, blogs and interviews and exclusive content once you preregister...
    Post by: xeno, Mar 21, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  6. xeno
    a Game Genie is a little tool that was available for an NES, GB, Genesis, Master system (I'm guessing) and a few others maybe, that was basically an action replay and I'm supposing that it eventually evolved into a Game Shark.

    the game that got me into gaming was Zelda 1 on NES, fun game which sadly....I have yet to beat except with that confounded game genie....
    Post by: xeno, Mar 20, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  7. xeno
    well...that was somewhat unexpected...I thought about this theory a while ago, but never thought it'd actually be canon
    Post by: xeno, Mar 14, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  8. xeno
    I've had a ton....
    heres one.
    I was playing Tomb raider Anniversary, running from some apes, and I was jumping backwards and shooting at them, and I thought I landed, when in fact I didnt....

    I fell through the floor into an abyss with water, I had a wtf moment, found out how it happened(through trial and error, having found that if you dont do specific steps then you'll fall into an unending abyss), exploited it and carried with me the silver bars needed to finish the level, throughout the rest of the game,
    and beat the game in 9 hours 15 minutes(roughly)because of that...I think
    Post by: xeno, Mar 8, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  9. xeno
    I'm not a noob who just "came up" with this info, I have explored the very depths of this game in my childhood, and it was very fun and I still hack into this game without cheat codes or actual hacks.

    Use the select trick to go through the inside entrance of level 8 you will (after 2 screens or so) end up at the final boss nightmare chambers, but it will freeze(after an interesting sequence) unless you use the select trick to enter the final boss room, and when you use it, the map will come up and the normal text the final boss says will pop up in the map screen and from there just continue pressing A to scroll through the text and once the text is done, press select and you will be in the final boss chambers, and if you want you can go down via the select trick and take the final boss with you.

    (does anyone really know how to perform the select trick or the level one dungeon glitch?
    aside from me? I'll tell, but I thought I'd ask)

    Or do the lvl 1 dungeon trick (fake levels) and do the same thing and you can walk on the walls and have more freedom making it a little easier (and I think it makes the final boss immobile...haven't tested it)

    it has taken a little while to discover this info, and it is true despite it sounding like an overstreached "put egg in pc wait 10,000 steps take it out as bad egg and walk 10,000 more steps and it will hatch into a mew"

    I did try to make a video but the replay spazzed out alot...

    Another is Super Mario Bros. (nes) I beat it in about an hour or so(warp zones)

    Kh2: 5 days or so (immediately after it came out)
    Post by: xeno, Mar 7, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  10. xeno
    in actuality none of the temples are required to be beaten neither any of the side quests except 1 or 2, on my copy anyway...

    the only required items to be obtained are: the sword, magic powder, bows and arrows, and the Pegasus boots, these are the items needed for the final bosses.(and the rocks feather helps alot)

    these items are the preparation, and this can only be done in an early version of the game, and you need to know the pathways of the inner working of the game which makes it a little larger then one thinks a normal gameboy game can be.

    I am unable to make a video of it via emulation, but it is possible via the select trick.(my copy is an early copy therefor it has more accessability, and for those without earlier copies the Dog house land glitch also comes into play.)

    and to stay on topic I would say another is VF4, credits seen in about 5-10 minutes or so maybe 15
    Post by: xeno, Mar 7, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  11. xeno
    I did beat it in roughly 30-45 minutes, but I did not do it in the way that is conventional.

    I got all the required items to beat the game and required is a loose term.
    I got no instruments, no boomerang, no level 2 sword, no cheat devices, no non-required items, fire rod in five minutes from the games start(roughly).

    I cant prove it, since I have no camera (unless there is a homebrew program for psp that allows me to record for roughly about an hour or so...)
    I apologize as I have no way to prove it, but I did beat links awakening in roughly 30-45 minutes maybe less.
    if you want to know how I guess pm me, otherwise this topic would go astray, but I have played links awakening in my ways for years now.
    Post by: xeno, Mar 6, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  12. xeno
    I'm somewhere in between atheist and agnostic, so I don't believe that "god" is punishing us.

    my thoughts on the matter are that if "god", Iehova, Jehova or whatever he she or it is called ever did exist then "god" washed his hands of us long ago.

    I remember somewhere that after the garden of Eden he said something like "you aren't ready" or something like that, which could be I wash my hands of you, you are banished, unredeemable etc. etc.

    my point is there are specific reasons and evidence that state whether "god" is punishing us or even existed, and to me it just seems that "god" is man's ideal image therefor "god" appears to be a theoretical piece of humanity, so as they say "was god created by humanity as something to believe in? or was humanity created by god as most think"

    I apologize if I offended anyone, but I thought I would speak my mind as asked by the topic.
    (see first line of my sig, I place that in my sig everywhere I go online....)
    Post by: xeno, Mar 5, 2008 in forum: Debate Corner
  13. xeno

    1. Dracula (Castlevania) and Xemnas....wait that actually might work.....
    2. Eike Kusch and a broom from fantasia(technically a kh character)
    3.Saix and Abe Simpson....

    I donno if there can be anymore ridiculous then those....
    Post by: xeno, Mar 5, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. xeno
    The legend of Zelda: links awakening
    it took me about 30-45 minutes (most of the time is for preparation)
    Post by: xeno, Mar 5, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  15. xeno
    Thanks for the corrections I appreciate it.

    I thought there was alot to the legend of Zelda and I was pretty sure there was a dual time line case, due to the future and the pasts influence with Ocarina of time, and that time lines are not just simply erased.

    the future becoming the dark world is most likely very far off...
    and the light world being the normal time line.

    "People assume time is a strict progression from cause to effect but actually in a non-linear non-subjective viewpoint....its more like a big ball of wibly wobly timey wimey....stuff......"(BBC owned quote)
    Post by: xeno, Mar 4, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  16. xeno
    Zelda 1 actually fits into the timeline in an unknown location that is presumed to be before the wind waker(also unknown) and after Ocarina of time(1) where as a Link to the past is the last (unknown but the thought to be the last one)
    Zelda 2 fits in after 1.

    Zelda 3: a link to the past is supposedly the last one as said above

    Links awakening (glitchy as heck) is after a link to the past explaining links adventures (due to this it seems that the wind waker follows up this theory) followed up with oracle of ages and seasons somehow....

    Ocarina of time seems to be the first due to many names being in it that have foundation as towns in zelda 1 &2

    Majora is just after ocarina.

    the wind waker seems to be the actual final game, but time never says accurately since there might be another one

    Phantom hourglass is the most current one taking place after the wind waker

    (ones I left out I think were taken out of canon (wand of gamelon, and the other two...)I dont think I missed any others...aside from this:

    but all these are mainly theory I've picked up from numerous places...
    Post by: xeno, Mar 3, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  17. xeno
    Lego Portal....lets see Lego Half-life....but I never got to play portal even now with the orange box....but I'll want to get it whenever I complete the first portal.
    Post by: xeno, Mar 3, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  18. xeno
    yeah I do have a DS for 358/2 days.
    I've had it for a little while, its a Mario kart DS version....
    Post by: xeno, Mar 2, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  19. xeno
    wow, cool box art, I hope I'll get that sometime...
    Post by: xeno, Mar 1, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  20. xeno
    I'm not giving any semblance of my real name out, so my Org XIII name would be....Xeno.
    The original name being neo, or one (no it has NOTHING to do with the Matrix.)
    Post by: xeno, Feb 29, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts