not bad photoshoppin', but what the hell is on Roxas's head?
I'm personally for Obama. A LOT of Hilary's and his policies are the same... and it's kiling the Democratic party. Guh. Out of all the Republicans, I'm glad McCain is the one who got the ticket. If Romney or Huckabee had gotten it AND won I'd be hightailing it from this country faster than you could say "church and state separation." McCain's got strong ideas about border policy and national security, which are two important issues to me (two issues, at least, that can be changed...). It's interesting to watch the Democratic party tear itself apart-- the black man or the white woman? Both minorities. Clinton does keep harping about her experience, but most of that experience was First Lady. Not exactly a... you know, tried, elected position. Obama does annoy me with his "change" policies-- yes, change is good, yes, change is great, but it's going to be interesting to see the backups for this. Personally I feel he's a bit lacking int hat department, but he's still got my overall vote and it looks like it's coming down to Obama and McCain. Any thoughts on Clinton getting the vice pres. nod? I read that somewhere a few weeks ago, so I don't know how valid that statement is now but still. And Ron Paul? *shakes head* Ron Paul wants me barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. Sorry. I didn't like him. And I still don't. It was surprising, though, to see that though he had a massive campaign he recieved so few votes. I thought he'd make a dent, but there were hardly any ripples at all.
The Roxas/Namine pairing is complete bs, in my opinion. It's the final thoughts of two formerly unique individuals who have to sucker up to the fact that their lives, or any semblance of them, are to be lead through two other people. I don't think it's a pairing at all really... at least not in the romantic sense. They weren't close in any regard-- except that their Others had a "thing" for each other. There's hardly any canon evidence that they knew each other out of those incredibly few brief moments in Twilight Town and those brief scenes in the World that Never Was. In the KH2 novels, Namine actually thinks of Roxas as her twin. I think the line leads.. "we're like twins, Roxas." In her thoughts, I mean. They were both born out of Sora... somehow in connection with Sora. I like them as friends, but romantically, I think there's little canon evidence for it. Two people (or whatever they are now that they're back and merged with their Others) trying to make the best of an absolutely awful situation. Namine felt something for Sora during CoM and could possibly be trying to forge a connection like that with his Nobody... but eh. I don't buy it (and I ship Akuroku with an unnatrual love... that pairing is so canon that it hurts... really...). But in any case, I do see that Squeenix was trying to make us believe that Namine and Roxas were meant to be together, the same as Kairi and Sora. Which is fine-- any interpretation of it is anyone's folly and everyone could equally be right. As for me, I don't buy the romantic thing at all. :)
I HATE how in the first game you can't fastforward scenes like you can in the second. i played the second first and when I started playing the first it was like... oh. this. is. annoying. I memorized all the dialogue and stuff from that first battle with Guard Armor in Traverse Town. (Trying to be him a a lvl 4 when most guides recommend a lvl 8 or 9 is not smart...). You know the second time you go back to the Space Paranoids world with Tron, you have to take that shuttle thing up and the shuttle is "getting heavier" as more enemies attack you? That thing took me FOREVER and right before it was about to blink out on about the millionth try I made it. That thing... annoyed.. me to no end. I tried everything--Summong, differents Forms, different party members, I leveled up a couple levels... nope. Bad luck I guess, but finally I got it. Also in the Space Paranoids, the Light Cycle. >.< I'd get SO close and then I'd die. SO close. One time I had all my health depleted with one hit to go and I got past the last guards scot free... and then crashed into the wall behind them right near the crack. I was seconds away from freedom. Needless to say, I screamed into my pillow about that one. This was my second time around playin KH-- this time on Proud. I don't remember it being so hard when I played on Normal... which I guess is standard. But in any case, when i finally did beat it I had two bars of health left and didn't crash into the wall. .... needless to say, I despise the Space Paranoids world. XD
Ah okay. Did you tell her about it? She'd probably like to know. ^^ I was gonna say hi if you were, because I'm on her flist over at lj. :)
... but Kairi wasn't really there, it was just her image. O.o
That purple heart is something Riku did? O.o That's interesting. I actually just rewatched and was wondering if anyone knew the song they use for it? And randomly, the sped-up version of Roxas's song when he's fighting Sora in Final Mix? Apparently that's called.... the Other Promise or something,I don't approximately remember. Just throwin that out there. :)
I think it sounds very pretty, but I really have no idea how it'll be in the game... considering we don' t know all the finite details and wahtnot, but it is a pretty song. I hope it has an AMV!
I heard and was like....saywhat? That guy's been in office longer than I was born I was all... damn, my whole world is crumbling around me lol. I must admit I haven't been following the world news as much as I should be--damn you lack of newspaper/television (not like the internet doesn't ahve news or anything... O.o)-- so it was very much a surprise to me. Still not quite sure how I feel about it.
... I honestly think there is no connection at all between Axel and Riku, or Axel and Saix. Axel and Saix's relationship was based solely on Saix trying to prevent Axel from turning Sora into a Heartless, like someone said above, for his Keyblades. Just part of the plot. As for Riku and Axel... nope, I don't see any connection whatsoever. Someone mentioned Reno, I thought there was some type of quote saying that Normura wanted to see "that type" of character in a "different setting." Just my two cents. ;)
I apologize if this topic has already been made. In any case, I was wondering if anyone had any experience modding a PS2. I'm in America and I want to mod mine so it will play Japanese games (I really only want to do this so I can play the Final Mixes lol). I'm really quite unsure how to do it and I'm looking up information online but I figured actually chatting to people who knew couldn't hurt either. :) Thank you in advance!
It's extremely frightening that even places of learning aren't safe anymore. I know when the shooting at Virginia Tech happened my university (Northern Arizona University) immediately buckled down on safety and implemented a text-based warning system, re-evaluated its security plan, and made an erstwhile attempt to assure the students that we were safe and protected. It's really mind-blowing to see just the shootings we've had in the past year. It seems to me like they're increasing and that is just... scary. It's a dangerous world and man. I don't see how killing innocent people not even related to whatever problems you're facing solves anything. Thoughts to those affected by this event.
I feel your pain. It took me flippin' forever to beat him. A little sad, but I finally did. Are you leveled up to the recommended level as well? I realized that after I beat him I was at least two levels under the recommended battle level. O.o Which was probably why it was harder and took me forever. I got lucky really and held on by the skin of my teeth. I never check those stupid levles before I enter a world lol. In any case, Knocksmash and Comet are awesome. I like Comet a lot (I'm replaying the game and am actually on Demyx lol) because it takes awhile to work and you can smash him up while he's all woozy and out of it. And Knocksmash is just an awesome attack period. Other than that just run around a lot and watch for when he's about to shoot out those water clones (that was the worst for me). I forgot what he says when he's about to do that but just look out. Um. Yea. That's it Like I even know what I'm talking about haha. good luck!
It's going to be released internationally, but it's goign to be a little longer for that. If that is the case, then I'm going to import it too lol. I still have to buy a DS first but I'm going to grab it and play it without understanding the words if necessary... I cannot wait. :)
I'm confused. There's a Volume One of Short stories? O.o Is this only in Japanese?
Dude seriously. O.o Lol.
Haha I loved the tackle-raping! it was adorable! <3
Haha yea, I have no idea where XigbarxDem popped up but I think it's pretty funny lol. Hmm. I agree with basically everything said here. I mean, I'm a Yaoi shipper (Akuroku til the day I die lawlz) but I mean...I'd never try to force that upon someone. For me the fun in the series (at know, fanfiction/art/spectulation/theory-wise) is to make stuff up! :D I enjoy putting these characters in different scenarios and see what the hell pops out. To me there's no need at all to be cannon-- I mean, save the basic idea and whatnot. But I think the fun in it is to imagine things a little different and see what comes out. This come from a fanfiction writer's perspective, so basically what I mean is that... if I see an idea, I run crazy with it. Marluxia x Vexen? Well okay, Marluxia ordered Vexen killed... SO LET ME PUT THEM TOGETHER AND SEE WHAT THEY DO! So for me, it's taking just an idea... just a thought really...and going wild with it. I think I deviated MUCHLY from the OP's orignial point of this thread lol. Sorry! /tangent In any case, any type of person (for any reason, not just fandom-related things) who attempts to shove anything down my throat needs their teeth knocked in.
Keke. It's a possibility for that debate I suppose. For my matter, I honestly don't care what you believe in..just don't shove it on me, or force me to listen to it. I suppose the same could be said of anyone from any religion (don't force science don't my throat, etc.), but in this case, there are far too many religions to be taught that one is superior. if you pesent them, present them side by side with others. High schools could so definitely benefit from World Religions classes. I didn't take my first one til college and MAN. There's a whole world out there. I felt so protected and sheltered and ignorantafter I took that class. Religion has its place and should be respected, but mixing in the affairs of education, where kids that age can be so easily impressionable, isn't it. I guess around here in the USA some people were trying to get daily prayer back into public schools. My mother sent me the link and I'm just like... I sprang from your womb? How are we related again? >.<
The Clintons saying that about the votes amused me too. And it irritates me that MSNBC suspended David Shuster because he said that Chelsea was being "pimped" out. Because freedom of speech is not tolerated in this country, apparently. /notamused. As for the first "woman" or "black" president, I would hope some people wouldn't vote that way, but my grandmother is a prime example. "I'm voting for Hillary because shes'a woman, and women do better jobs than men." O.o Right, I'm an feminist as the next person, but dang, that's just messed up. It scares me, because I think we'll just have these masses of people who feel they need to make a statement to trump "AMERICA FINALLY HAS A BLACK/WOMAN PRESIDENT." I hope for more than that but... I've come across a lot of uneducated people recenty and it scares me that those people get the opportunity to vote when they're not informed, or at least as narrow-minded as my dearly beloved grandmother is. And ditto about religious zealots. You're setting the stage for another Inquisition that way.