So, 358/2 days is coming in fall, no confirmation on Coded, and no news on Birth By Sleep? The Kingdom Hearts story is really starting to confuse me again with these new bits of information. Every time I think I have it figured out, They release something making us believe there's way more to our thoughts, which there probably is. I look forward to the new stories and information and will be checking back often.
That'd be very helpful, and when I get to re:com / need any trailers I'll be sure to contact you.
See, I'd make a zip or torrent myself if I had the cutscenes. If all else fails, I'll just go through and download whatever kh-vids has and browse around for whatever else and ask some people to cash in some of their rarer clips, and maybe throw in the new game trailers and even ask an Admin if they'd post the complete collection on the cutscenes page.
I'm sure most of you have the entire kh-vids vault of videos, but I've noticed that some of the links are broken and I can't download the entire series. I don't blame the staff, I understand they're very busy and cannot help the deletion of their files. I would really like a torrent or collection of all of the Kingdom Hearts cutscenes, boss fights may or may not be included. I just got a new computer after the old one busted and I don't have the time or patience to go through one by one and download each and every cutscene. If anyone has a torrent or zip file for me, or knows someone who does, I'd really appreciate it. I've already searched around and was unable to find anything of the sort posted up online. Again, I'd really appreciate this and thank you in advance.
I definitely need this package. It would be wonderful if someone who already downloaded reuploaded to mediafire, megavideo or another mirror seeing as filefront can be unreliable.
It'd be Xion, wouldn't it? X in the japanese language is usually spoken as 'sh' so it may have sounded like Shion, although Shion has no x, and therefore cannot be an organizer. Xeon would be my guess, making her name: Neo. "You are the one, Neo" and so on and so forth.
Geeze. I try to have a little fun and you jump all over me. So what if it's not news? It's not like there's going to be any news anytime soon. It doesn't look like a good game anyway. >_> Probably going to ruin the series judging by the crappy keyblade morphs Terra does in Final Mix. T_T
Yeah, check the link :D P.S. You've been tricked. don't yell at me like "that's not a real photo" Of course it isn't. It's just a cute little character doodle. xD
First Video is Project Hearts 2 >_> Might wanna fix that, DA.
Ehh.. Like I said, it was just a theory. I'm only just now getting into the three new games. I'm not going to be able to afford BBS or Coded because I can't buy a PSP and the game, and definitely can't afford a cell phone with it's weird charges a month or whatever; but I have a NDS emulator, so I should be able to get 358/2 Days on that. Which is nice. I'll have access to the cutscenes when it's released in Japan as well.
The way Terra summons his Keyblade in the new Trailer has got me a bit baffled. It looks like when Roxas's club was 'upgraded' into the keyblade on the first day in Twilight Town of Kingdom hearts II. I was thinking, seeing as Ansem did research a lot on the Heart, and King Mickey explained the Keyblade's connection to the heart of worlds, maybe Terra's Keyblade is some sort of digital copy? Like, Ansem or Xehanort made keyblades of their own. It would explain why they have such unique powers, right? It was just a thought after watching the leaked trailer.
xD I swear I just replied to the other news with this link.
News! Sorry to change the subject, but... Here's some news: There's ya some Kingdom Hearts news. A Birth By Sleep exclusive trailer of some sorts. A bit bad quality, but it shows the cutscenes with audio. Xehanort's voices, Vens, and Terras can be heard. No trace of Aqua. Shows some battle sequences, no bosses, but it gives you a feel for how the game will function.
Eh.. 4th is good considering I made that video from scratch and quickly made up the story after it was uploading on YouTube. xD
No, it's all KH for me. Although, I played Final Fantasy once. It was Final Fantasy X and everyone keeps telling me that's the worst of the games, that and X-2. I just couldn't get through the game with turntable battling. I can't deal with that. It's too unreal. I've always been a hacker/slasher gamer, plus KH's added bonus of levels adds to the fun of the game. I'm aware there are new FF games with different battle styles (like X-2 where the enemies attack while your stuck in the same place making a decision for your next move; or the newer games that I'm unfamiliar with). And yes, this means I never played FFVII. I never plan to, either. I read the story from the original game and then watched Advent Children and may watch the cutscenes from Crisis Core, although I don't really like the story. It gets more complicated than it needs to be. And that is why I said I'd stop sooner than get into a rant. xD
Very good videos this week. First week i wasn't up here in a while. Though, I haven't really made anything since a couple weeks ago anyways. ^^; I don't think I was up last week, but all I submitted was a KHTAS episode. Not an AMV, so it wouldn't be here anyways. Anyways, the constant Crisis Core videos are aggravating me a little. Not because of spoilers, just the fact that I'm not interested in it at all; or any Final Fantasy game for that matter. BUT before I rant anymore, Great job everyone. Looking forward to next week's.
I'm just going to say this: If you're interested in the Kingdom Hearts story, you'll have to do more than play the games a couple times. You'll have to read the manga as well. I've found plenty a plothole in Mr. Nomura's games, but the manga always seems to have been a safety net for them after the games. Plus, many people agree on their own ideas about the games, such as when Sora closed Riku in Kingdom Hearts, Riku stayed (rather than stepping out) because he felt he had to atone for the darkness dwelling in his heart still. The game needs to maintain it's 'T' rating and buff up on some things. The disney references are too old for younger players and the main fanbase is teenagers anyways. Plus, I'd love to see some realizm in the game, such as Sora actually being wounded and bleeding and Donald casting cure and watching the wounds close up. I just think there is a flood of potential if Square would boost the rating; but the Disney portion keeps it at a basic 'E' other than in KH2 for the 'blood' in Port Royal (even if it was only for a second). It's a shame, really. I adore the main storyline and think it would make an epic game series all on its own. Sorry for the rant.. ^^'
Yay... 5th. o.o Yeah, I know it could have been MUCH better. But I was rushing because I only had two days to start and finish it before my Vegas trial ran out. Now all I've got is WMM again. x.x; I won't be doing too many AMVs until I can get Vegas back. :x
o.o Thanks a lot! :D
Whoo! :o third week straight in the Top 5! Boo yah! And sadly, it's 30 days later and my Vegas trial is gone. :/ I miss it already. But, I managed three serious amvs, a couple silly ones. It was worth the download.