Sora takes this, no questions asked.
I didn't get Final till' Xemnas. I got Anti-Form in Disney Castle, the halway before the library. I was overwhelmed and said, "Oh screw this! C'mere Goofy! Let's show them what we're made of!" and *poof*. Anti-Form.
Mine are: Sora/Kairi Roxas/Namine Tidus/Selphie Hayner/Olette Mickey/Minnie Leon/Yuffie Cloud/Aerith Axel/Larxene Jack/Sally Will/Elizabeth Simba/Nala Aladdin/Jasmine Beast/Belle Ariel/Eric Tarzan/Jane Hercules/Megara Peter Pan/Wendy Hmm... Can't think of any more ATM...
Actually it's because his Keyblade is the 'Keyblade of the Realm of Light'. Like it is given to the one chosen to weild the power of Light.
OMFG! I love you in the most non-gay way possible Yasir! I love the music played, best quality version of "The Other Promise" (I think that's the name) I've ever heard. Too bad it's in japanese though...
I forgot to ask... What's Goofy's class?
"Bayleef! Use Magical Leaf!" the Gym Leader commanded. As his Pokemon was about to unleash it's attack it was struck by the wing attack. "No! Get up Bayleef!" Leader D yells. Bayleef heeds it's Trainer and rises slowly, but surely to his feet.
Really? I thought Aladdin (and maybe Jack Sparrow) was a Thief.
Okay, so most of the Disney characters fighting styles are based off of a FF Job Class right? The only ones I know are: King Mickey - Fighter/White Mage Donald - Red Mage Jack Skellington - Black Mage Does anyone know what these characters Job Classes are? Tarzan Aladdin Ariel Peter Pan Beast Mulan Tron Jack Sparrow Simba
OOC: I can try... But not at the moment. "Go Bayleef!" Leader D said, releasing the dinosaur Pokemon from it's Pokeball. "Bayleef, use Ancient Power!" he commanded. Bayleef complied, hurling rocks at Pidgey.
"What? How did you get past Larry? Nevermind youngster, your on!" Leader D led Shen to the arena. VS.
"Wait up you guys!" Jason said, rushing out to watch his friends battle.
"Yeah... I'm liking the idea of us traveling together." Jason commented. Meanwhile... Rilou's attack connected, knocking Oddish out. Elsewhere... "Would you like to battle?" a shady man in black stepped out from behind a tree to challange Cat. VS.
In celebration of us reaching 200 posts (Yay me!) I have made us all Tranier Cards for our RP Characters: I shall be PMing these to their respective character owners and be putting them up in the OP (Original Post).
Rilou was too fast for Oddish or Larry to react, it's attack connected.
Gold and Silver remakes? **** YEAH! So getting those.
Oddish was slammed into ground by the force of the... uh, Force Palm. "Oddish..." it said, slowly rising to it's feet.
Oh... Okay, I got it now.
Nice find EvilMan!
Does anyone have the link to the interview where Nomura stated that Xemnas, Xaldin, and Roxas are the three strongest members of the Organization? Thx in advance.