Hey guys, has the Riku Code been updated recently?
I need a Riku that Never T stances from Groundcombos! And the newest codes too!
Can Someone Give Me A List Of Codes I Missed!
Guys? What about me!
GUYS!!! I need all the new codes I missed! And I Riku code that never T-stances.
Are you going to complete it? It sounds really cool!
Who would control the Keyblade, Sora or Kairi? Is the keyblade making an appearance?
Sorry dude, I emailed square themselves. They said there not releasing the game anywhere This is what they sent me Thank you for contacting SQUARE ENIX Customer Support, There have not been any announcements of a Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix in North America.At this time, we do not have any sort of official reason explaining why. We appreciate your business and hope you enjoy our future titles. Neil- SQUARE ENIX Customer Support www.square-enix.com
I want My ant... Just kidding! Man you guys are busy, say Ray, what does this code do?
So we can't have it on it's own... Why don't we replace anti with the NEW anti?
DUDE! If you could make Terra in the Regular KH2 I would pee my pants (I don't have FM+) Is Roxas possible too! And Limit Form?
Replace mickey drive then!
Simple, this is complicated stuff. No one can do it. (damn, almost as hard as that ridiculous Riku code)
Look you don;t understand. I want this. I Want to DRIVE INTO Anti form! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hkel7l0uKaA I want it to have Reaction commands http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oql-iG_c7WQ I want it to REVERT IN BATTLE! REVERT! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oql-iG_c7WQ AND http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hkel7l0uKaA I want it it to NOT replace other drive forms (ALL the videos replace other forms!!! like Final, or Limit!!!) I just want these new changes, so simple!!! Thats ALL I want...
What version of Riku lets you use Shortcuts.
What about my music problems?
man that vid was awesome! Where's the code for it! (Riku with flare, and he used his ground combo's with T-stancing!)
Dude, I already have anti form in my Drive menu! I just want him to use RC and REVERT! REVERT! REVERT! in battle... Also I want it, so when I select "Antiform" in the drive menu, I will be able to use those new changes!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFYXGTZBhCk He drives into Mickey!!! Second, I don't care if his model is messed up. Just give it to me! Third, I got a code that lets me revert as anti and use RC... But it makes Final form like anti form (no revert, Magic, Items!) I just want these 3 codes
I wont stop! I need this 3 codes to be complete in KH2 1.Drive into Mickey 2. Perfect Anti Form (that is, revert, RC AND doesn't replace other forms usefull ness either) 3.Roxas with cloak!