Does anyone know the code to replace Donald with Scar?
We already have a thread for the worlds in KH3.
Barbossa was hader! There were some part where you can't hit him. Hook, you can hit him any time in the battle, and he has better effects with magic.
Who do you think would make a good summon in KH3? My Ideas: Blue Fairy from Pinnchio Jack Skellington (If Halloween Town doesn't return as a world in KH3) Pluto Genie Flubber Mr. Toad Pete's Dragon
I came up with another idea for a world. How about a "Great Mouse Detective" world? Sora, Donald, and Goofy could be mice or at least shrunked down like Wonderland in the first game. Main Details: World Name: Baker Street Partner: Basil Boss Battles: Minor Mini Boss Battle: The Bat and Henchman of Ratigan Major Boss Battle: Ratigan
What worlds do you think will be in KH3? My Ideas: - Kuzco's Empire (Emperor's New Groove) - Haunted Manison - Hawaii (Lilo and Stitich) - Olympus Coliseum (Hercules) - Duckburg (DuckTales: Treasure of the Lost Lamp) - Agrabah (Aladdin and 40 Thieves) - Toontown (Who Framed Roger Rabbit) - Port Royal (PotC 2: Dead Man's Chest) - Native Lands (Poctahontas) - Andy's Room (Toy Story) - Nomanisan Island (The Incredibles) - France (The Hunchback of Notre Dame) Details: - KE: Partner - Kuzco. Boss - Yzma - HM: Partner - Jim Evers (Eddie Murphy). Boss - The Butler - H- Partner - Stitch. Boss - Gantu - OC: Partner - Possibly no one. Boss - Hades - DB: Partner - Scrooge. Boss - Merlock - A- Partner - Aladdin. Boss - Salu'uk - TT: Partner - Eddie. Boss - Judge Doom - PR: Partner - Will Turner. Boss - Kraken - NL: Partner - John Smith. Boss- Ratcliffe - AR: Partner - Woody or Buzz. Boss - Zurg - NI: Partner - Mr. Incredible. Boss - Syndrome - F- Partner - Quasimodo. Boss - Frollo